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The Ascent gathering was a reprieve from the troubles of worldly and religious politics. I wasn’t expecting that.
03/26/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
You are a witness. What is your testimony? I am a witness. What is my testimony? … Does the question give you cold sweats? Depending on the day, the time,…
03/20/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
Editor Eric Black calls to account how Christians communicate their opinions and convictions to and about those with whom they disagree.
03/13/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
We live in the tension of holding ugliness in one hand and beauty in the other. We must do more than live with it.
03/06/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
What is your God-determined mission, that thing God’s called you to do, no matter what? If you don’t know, this is the time to figure it out.
02/26/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
How many lobbyists does it take to get gambling expansion approved by the Texas Legislature? I bet it takes more than you think.
02/19/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
Es posible adoptar una política migratoria sensata, humana y con sentido común, y los cristianos pueden contribuir a que se haga realidad. Las Sagradas Escrituras son nuestra guía.
02/13/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
Common sense, sound, humane immigration policy is possible, and Christians can help make it happen. Scripture is our guide.
Any government that attempts in any way to determine what constitutes “the full counsel of biblical teaching” oversteps its bounds.
02/05/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
The Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz was liberated on Jan. 27, 1945. Its horrors didn’t have to happen. This is how they can happen again.
01/29/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
We should bring all our faculties to bear on seeking truth, because ultimately, we will answer to it, Editor Eric Black contends.
01/23/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor
We need to ask God to give our elected officials wise counsel, clear thinking, discernment, and a heart for what is good and right.
01/15/2025 - By Eric Black / Editor