The Bivocational/Small Church Association has many servant leaders who give of their time, energy and resources to this group. They give so much because they have a calling on their hearts to minister to those who serve on the small-church mission field.
Richard RayI am so thankful for the leadership of the Bivocational/Small Church Association. They are not rewarded with financial gain or special benefits, but instead rewarded with meeting the needs of the small church and their ministers and their families.
In the bivocational/small-church family, we have many individuals who provide unique talents that have enabled this association to do the work of the ministry, allowing the funds that are provided through your donations to be exclusively used in meeting the needs of the small church. These individuals serve the Lord in both the secular workforce as well as within the walls of the church and the community.
One of these unique individuals is Danny Rogers. He has served this association faithfully for many years. He is a certified public accountant, and his calling is that of a pastor. Danny is pastor of Lebanon Baptist Church in Cleburne. He also serves as the treasurer of the Bivocational/Small Church Association. He has been invaluable to our association on many levels. Without his expertise and love of those serving on the small-church mission field, this association would not be where it is today.
Danny is married to Donna Rogers, who is on staff at First Baptist Church in Cleburne as an administrative assistant. Danny and Donna both have a passion and burden for small-church pastors. They have labored strong in the Lord for those serving in the small church, and now they need us to labor strong in the Lord for them. Danny been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is in need of God’s healing power. I call upon you today to fall on bended knees and say a prayer for Danny and Donna that God would deliver his divine healing power in their lives.
Remember, God has called you to serve him, but God has not called you to serve alone. Let us be your advocate, your resource and your prayer partner as you fulfill your calling. Until next time, please visit our website,
Richard Ray is executive director of the Bivocational/Small Church Association and director of missions for the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area. You can reach him at
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