You are invited to attend the 29th annual Bivocational/Small Church Conference, hosted by your Bivocational/Small Church Association at Baptist Temple Church in San Antonio, July 10-11. If you are a pastor, minister or servant leader in a church that averages 100 or less in Sunday school, this conference is for you.
Richard RayThose serving on the small-church mission field are unique in where they serve and in how they serve. This conference has been developed by ministers currently serving on the small-church mission field to bring encouragement, education and edification, along with fellowship and worship.
This conference has been designed with the whole family in mind by providing free childcare and activities for teenagers. Ministers’ wives will enjoy a special time of reflection and relaxation.
Participants will hear how the Bivocational/Small Church Association is working to meet the needs of the church. The conference will feature interactive exhibits, where participants will learn how social media can enrich their churches. Another interactive exhibit will feature a church financial assistance program. It will demonstrate how the Bivocational/Small Church Association can assist churches in keeping records on giving and membership. Participants also will learn how the association is partnering with Christian health care ministries to meet their needs.
I will share reports of how your Bivocational/Small Church Associational missions dollars are being used in support of our refugee ministry programs for children on the Mexico-Texas border.
I encourage you to review the schedule to see the many breakout sessions, exhibitors and activities planned for this year’s conference. Visit the website, ( you can preregister for the conference.If you have any questions, please contact me at
I look forward to seeing you at this year’s Bivocational/Small Church Conference.
Richard Ray is executive director of the Bivocational/Small Church Association and director of missions for the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area. You can reach him at
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