Baptists Preaching

  • Emmanuel Roldan: The Mission of Jesus / La Misión de Jesucristo

    Emmanuel Roldan, pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco, likened Jesus’ mission to a new owner remodeling a house to fit the buyer./ Emmanuel Roldan, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco, comparó la misión de Jesucristo con un nuevo propietario remodelando una casa para adaptarse al comprador. (Mark/Marcos 1:29-39)

  • Jeff Warren: Sermon for Day of Unity and Justice

    Jeff Warren, senior pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, recounted Herbert Howard’s annual sermon titled “Everybody, Somebody.” Howard, pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church from 1948 to 1978, led the church through the Civil Rights era. (Micah 6:1-8)

  • Pastor Bryan Carter: A Call for Justice

    Pastor Bryan Carter, senior pastor of Concord Church in Dallas, reminded his hearers of John Lewis’ work in racial justice and his encouragement to find “good trouble.” (Micah 6:8)

  • Fernando Rojas: Why We Study the Prophecies / Por que Estudiamos las Profecias

    Fernando Rojas notes people want to know the future and look for predictions of it in many places. / Fernando Rojas señala que la gente quiere conocer el futuro y buscar predicciones del mismo en muchos lugares.(Isaiah 46:9-11 / Isaias 46:9-11)

  • Chris Curran: Any Room?

    Chris Curran, the pastor of Southland Baptist Church in San Angelo, reflected on the innkeeper in the story of Jesus’ birth recorded in the Gospel of Luke. (Luke 2:7)

  • Les Hollon: Living in God’s Renewing Power

    Les Hollon, the senior pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, encouraged his hearers to “live in the power of God’s renewing Spirit,” centering themselves in Christ during uncentered times. (Luke 4:14-30)

  • Dr. Rolando Aguirre: Goodness: Grace to the Core/Bondad: Gracia en Esencia

    Dr. Rolando Aguirre, associate pastor of teaching and Spanish language ministries at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, used an apple to illustrate that the spiritual fruit of goodness is meant to be thorough, all the way to the core. (Titus 3:1-9)

  • Dan Griffin: The Remnant and The Return

    Dan Griffin, retired pastor of First Baptist Church in Lancaster, reflected on 75 years of observing America, noting how things have changed especially in relation to Christianity and the culture. (Matthew 24)

  • Josh Prince: Light of the World

    Josh Prince, pastor of First Baptist Church in Cedar Hill, examines Jesus’ self-description as the “light of the world.” Jesus, when he called himself “the bread of life,” claimed to be “the true source of life and sustenance.”

  • Paul Kim: Strong Comfort

    Paul Kim, founder and pastor of Forest Community Church in Plano, pointed to encouragement found in Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church. (2 Corinthians 1:1-16)

  • Dr. Ralph D. West: Getting to the Bottom of It!

    Dr. Ralph D. West, the founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, recounts the story of Aaron creating a golden calf at the Israelite’s request. Referring to current events, West acknowledged there always is chaos at the bottom of the mountain, where people fashion their own gods. (Exodus 32)

  • Dr. Fredricc Brock: This Battle is Not Yours

    Dr. Fredricc Brock, lead pastor and co-founder of The Message Church in San Antonio, exhorted his hearers to trust in God in spiritual battles (2 Chronicles 20:13-17).