Emmanuel Roldan: The Mission of Jesus / La Misión de Jesucristo

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Emmanuel Roldan: The Mission of Jesus / La Misión de Jesucristo (Mark 1:29-39/Marcos 1:29-39)

Emmanuel Roldan, pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco, likened Jesus’ mission to a new owner remodeling a house to fit the buyer. Luke 4:18-19 describes Jesus’ mission in words, but Mark’s account shows Jesus’ mission in action as he heals Simon’s mother-in-law and the many who gathered around her home. Jesus did not avoid suffering but entered it. He drew close to the sick and sinners and touched them.

Many people knew of Jesus because of the miracles he performed, but Jesus wants more than to be a rumor, Roldan asserted. “He wants to be a reality in your life.” Roldan encouraged his hearers to make Jesus real in their lives by joining his mission.

This sermon was delivered online on Feb. 7, 2021, during the morning worship service of Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco as part of an Epiphany series titled “Learning to See.” Mark 1:29-39 was the lectionary gospel reading for the day.


Emmanuel Roldan, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco, comparó la misión de Jesucristo con un nuevo propietario remodelando una casa para adaptarse al comprador. Lucas 4:18-19 describe la misión de Jesucristo en palabras, pero el relato de Marcos muestra la misión de Jesucristo en acción mientras cura a la suegra de Simón y a los muchos que se reunieron alrededor de su casa. Jesucristo no evitó el sufrimiento sino que entró en él. Se acercó a los enfermos y a los pecadores y los tocó.

Mucha gente sabía de Jesucristo por los milagros que realizó, pero quiere más que ser un rumor, afirmó Roldan. “Quiere ser una realidad en tu vida”. Roldan animó a sus oyentes a hacer de Jesucristo una realidad en sus vidas al unirse a su misión.

Este sermón se pronunció en línea el 7 de febrero de 2021, durante el servicio de adoración matutino de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco como parte de una serie de Epifanía titulada “Aprender a Ver”. Marcos 1: 29-39 fue la lectura del leccionario del evangelio del día.

A sermon script is available here.

Sermon video below. Sermon ends at 20:36.

Jeff Warren: Sermon for Day of Unity and Justice

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Jeff Warren: Sermon for Day of Unity and Justice (Micah 6:1-8)

Jeff Warren, senior pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, recounted Herbert Howard’s annual sermon titled “Everybody, Somebody.” Howard, pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church from 1948 to 1978, led the church through the Civil Rights era. Howard, subsequent pastors and the church itself advocated for integration when other pastors and churches championed segregation.

Warren touched on several controversial topics, including the distinction between the “Black lives matter” movement and the Black Lives Matter organization, Dallas’ racist history and its conflation with Christianity, and white privilege.

“What would Jesus do” is the core question for discussing justice, Warren said, and the gospel is central to reconciliation. He described two Hebrew words for justice: tsedeq and mishpat. The first is the ethical standard of righteousness. The second relates to the social expression of justice. The church needs to be involved, Warren asserted.

To read more about what justice looks like, see the Baptist Standard’s “Justice looks like …” series in the Texas Baptist Voices column.

This sermon was delivered online on Aug. 9, 2020, to observe Dallas Day of Unity and Justice during the morning worship service of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas.

Dallas Day of Unity and Justice grew out of the efforts of Pastor Jeff Warren of Park Cities Baptist Church, Pastor Bryan Carter of Concord Church, and other Dallas-area pastors to join together in 2014 to engage racial inequities in their community.

Dallas Day of Unity and Justice prayer guide is available here.

A companion sermon by Pastor Bryan Carter of Concord Church in Dallas is available here.


Pastor Bryan Carter: A Call for Justice

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Pastor Bryan Carter: A Call for Justice (Micah 6:8)

Pastor Bryan Carter, senior pastor of Concord Church in Dallas, reminded his hearers of John Lewis’ work in racial justice and his encouragement to find “good trouble.”

Carter describes the prophet Micah, whose name means “God cannot be put in a box,” as “a mouthpiece for God … to speak against injustice.” He asserted God wants to use his hearers today in the same way.

The book of Micah is written like a court case. God lists the charges against his people and what he requires of them: “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before your God.” Carter notes God starts the list with justice. Justice is a verb that implies the presence of injustice, Carter said.

Justice is God’s heart, and “every single follower of God” is called to enact justice today to combat systemic and community injustice. Carter outlined what justice looks like in education, criminal justice, economics, housing, employment, health care and immigration.

To read more about what justice looks like, see the Baptist Standard’s “Justice looks like …” series in the Texas Baptist Voices column.

This sermon was delivered online on Aug. 9, 2020, to observe Dallas Day of Unity and Justice during the morning worship service of Concord Church in Dallas.

Dallas Day of Unity and Justice grew out of the efforts of Pastor Carter, Pastor Jeff Warren of Park Cities Baptist Church, and other Dallas-area pastors to join together in 2014 to engage racial inequities in their community.

A companion sermon by Jeff Warren, pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, is available here.

Fernando Rojas: Why We Study the Prophecies / Por que Estudiamos las Profecias

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Fernando Rojas: Why We Study the Prophecies / Por que Estudiamos las Profecias (Isaiah 46:9-11 / Isaias 46:9-11)

Fernando Rojas, the pastor of Iglesia Bautista Azle Avenue in Fort Worth, notes people want to know the future and look for predictions of it in many places. Questioning the reliability of card reading and fortune telling, Rojas directs his hearers to the Bible as “a reliable place to read about the future.”

Rojas defines prophecy as “God’s message about what he will allow to happen.” Prophecy should be studied to prepare for what will happen, to be transformed to be more like Christ, to be encouraged and to share with others so they may be prepared, transformed and encouraged also.

This bilingual sermon was delivered on Jan. 31, 2021, for the morning worship service of Iglesia Bautista Azle Avenue in Fort Worth. It is the first sermon in the series “Beginning with the End in Mind.”


Fernando Rojas, pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Azle Avenue en Fort Worth, señala que la gente quiere conocer el futuro y buscar predicciones del mismo en muchos lugares. Al cuestionar la confiabilidad de la lectura de cartas y la adivinación, Rojas dirige a sus oyentes a la Biblia como “un lugar confiable para leer sobre el futuro”.

Rojas define la profecía como “el mensaje de Dios sobre lo que permitirá que suceda”. Se debe estudiar la profecía para prepararse para lo que sucederá, para ser transformados para ser más como Cristo, para ser animados y para compartir con otros para que ellos también puedan estar preparados, transformados y animados.

Este sermón bilingüe se pronunció el 31 de enero de 2021 para el servicio de adoración por la mañana de la Iglesia Bautista Azle Avenue en Fort Worth. Es el primer sermón de la serie “Comenzando con el fin en mente”.


Audio for this sermon is available here. A sermon script is available here in English and en Español.

Chris Curran: Any Room?

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Chris Curran: Any Room? (Luke 2:7)

Chris Curran, the pastor of Southland Baptist Church in San Angelo, reflected on the innkeeper in the story of Jesus’ birth recorded in the Gospel of Luke. He noted the irony is no innkeeper is mentioned in Scripture, only an inn. Curran gives an imaginative retelling of the story from the innkeeper’s perspective. He considered different reasons for there being no room in the inn, relating them to contemporary situations.

Suggesting Christmas is a time of opportunity for making room for Jesus, Curran reminds his hearers that opportunity doesn’t just happen on Dec. 25.

This sermon was delivered on the third Sunday of Advent, Dec. 23, 2020, for the morning worship service of Southland Baptist Church in San Angelo. It was part of an Advent series titled “Characters of Christmas.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Despite being an Advent—or Christmas—sermon, “Any Room?” contains a message relevant to any time of the year. For another imaginative narrative about the innkeeper, see The Innkeeper’s Journal by Raymond McHenry.

A script for this sermon is available here.

Les Hollon: Living in God’s Renewing Power

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Les Hollon: Living in God’s Renewing Power (Luke 4:14-30)

Les Hollon, the senior pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas, encouraged his hearers to “live in the power of God’s renewing Spirit,” centering themselves in Christ during uncentered times. People can find their purpose in “such a time as this” by seeking their identity in Christ. Hollon points to Jesus’ recital of and identification with part of Isaiah 61 as an example of living from the security of knowing who one is, whose one is and why one is.

This sermon was delivered on Jan. 10, 2021, for the morning worship services of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, as part of the series titled “For Such A Time As This.”

Dr. Rolando Aguirre: Goodness: Grace to the Core/Bondad: Gracia en Esencia

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Dr. Rolando Aguirre: Goodness: Grace to the Core/Bondad: Gracia en Esencia (Titus 3:1-9/Tito 3:1-9)

Dr. Rolando Aguirre, associate pastor of teaching and Spanish language ministries at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, used an apple to illustrate that the spiritual fruit of goodness is meant to be thorough—all the way to the core. Titus was a church planter on the Greek island of Crete, and Paul’s letter to him begins with reminders of what goodness is not.

Goodness is part of God’s purpose for us. When we are foolish and unaware of our identity, we are led astray and misbehave. Such lack of goodness leaves us unable to fulfill God’s purpose for us, but God transforms us in Jesus Christ and makes us good.

This sermon was delivered online on Oct. 25, 2020, for morning worship services of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas. It is part of the series titled “The Fruit of the Spirit: Calling Cards of Faith.” The English sermon video can be viewed here.


El Dr. Rolando Aguirre, pastor asociado de enseñanza y ministerios en español en la Iglesia Bautista Park Cities en Dallas, usó una manzana para ilustrar que el fruto espiritual de la bondad debe ser exhaustivo, hasta la médula. Tito fue un plantador de iglesias en la isla griega de Creta, y la carta de Pablo comienza con recordatorios de lo que la bondad no es.

La bondad es parte del propósito de Dios para nosotros. Cuando somos imprudentes y no somos conscientes de nuestra identidad, nos descarriamos y nos portamos mal. Tal falta de bondad nos deja incapaces de cumplir el propósito de Dios para nosotros, pero Dios nos transforma en Jesucristo y nos hace buenos.

Este sermón se pronunció en línea el 25 de octubre de 2020 para los servicios de adoración matutinos de la Iglesia Bautista Park Cities en Dallas. Es parte de la serie titulada “El fruto del Espíritu: Tarjetas de presentación de la fe.” El video del sermón en español se puede ver aquí.

Dan Griffin: The Remnant and The Return

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Dan Griffin: The Remnant & The Return

Dan Griffin, retired pastor of First Baptist Church in Lancaster, reflected on 75 years of observing America, noting how things have changed especially in relation to Christianity and the culture. His sermon focused on the remnant, or the people left “after the slow attrition of unbelief” has swept everyone else away.

Griffin pointed to Jesus’ words about the last days (Matthew 24) and Paul’s description of Jesus’ return (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). In preparation for these, Griffin exhorts his congregation to go to church, to read their Bible and study it, and to witness.

This sermon was delivered on Nov. 1, 2020, for the morning worship service of First Baptist Church in Lancaster.

Josh Prince: Light of the World

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Josh Prince: Light of the World (John 8:12-20)

Josh Prince, pastor of First Baptist Church in Cedar Hill, examines Jesus’ self-description as the “light of the world.” Jesus, when he called himself “the bread of life,” claimed to be “the true source of life [and] sustenance.” He also asserted his divinity when he called himself “the light of the world.” As the light, Jesus is the presence, protection and guidance of God.

Each person is confronted with the decision to accept or reject Jesus is the divine Son of God, the light of the world. The person who accepts Jesus’ claim must then become like Jesus and reflect his light in the world.

This sermon was delivered on Oct. 18, 2020, for the morning worship service of First Baptist Church in Cedar Hill, as the second in a series titled “I Am.” 

A sermon script is available here.

Paul Kim: Strong Comfort

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Paul Kim: Strong Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:1-16)

Paul Kim, founder and pastor of Forest Community Church in Plano, Texas, pointed to encouragement found in Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church. He described the prosperity and hedonism of the ancient city of Corinth and the tension among the Christians there. Paul addressed that tension with pastoral comfort, which for Paul was more about strength than it was about soothing.

Paul refers to comfort, because he was upset with the Corinthian church. His comfort is from God, given to Christians to give to others who are struggling and in need. Giving God’s strengthening comfort is an act of Christian love, characterized by self-sacrifice.

This sermon was delivered by Zoom on Sept. 20, 2020, for the morning worship service of Forest Community Church in Plano, as the first in a series on 2 Corinthians titled “High Truths in Hard Times.”

A sermon script is available here.


Dr. Ralph D. West: Getting to the Bottom of It!

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Dr. Ralph D. West: Getting to the Bottom of It! (Exodus 32)

Dr. Ralph D. West, the founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, Texas, recounts the story of Aaron creating a golden calf at the Israelite’s request. Moses had been on the mountain with God for what the people thought was too long. The people at the bottom of the mountain raced “to the spiritual bottom,” while God still was “working his purposes at the top of the mountain.” 

Referring to current events, West acknowledged there always is chaos at the bottom of the mountain, where people fashion their own gods. Even so, God has the last word at the top of the mountain. West also likened those blaming Black Lives Matter and Antifa for the current unrest to Aaron passing blame to the ovens and the gold for the creation of an idol.

God wanted to wipe out Israel, but Moses intervened, seeking God’s mercy. God relented. West reminds his hearers God did not give up on Israel at that mountain. In fact, at another mountain, God’s promise of redemption was kept in Jesus’ death on Calvary. West calls all Christians “back to the cross” of Calvary.

This sermon was delivered on Jan. 10, 2021, for the morning worship services of The Church Without Walls in Houston, in response to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

A script for this sermon is available here.

Dr. Fredricc Brock: This Battle is Not Yours

Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact eric.black@baptiststandard.com.

Dr. Fredricc Brock: This Battle is Not Yours (2 Chronicles 20:13-17)

Dr. Fredricc Brock, lead pastor and co-founder of The Message Church in San Antonio, encouraged his congregation with the story of King Jehoshaphat, who led his people to seek God through prayer when they were confronted by a coalition of enemies. Brock draws out from this story some lessons for today.

Faith in God must be stronger than fear and discouragement. Faith in God must be paired with being prepared and in the right place. Finally, when the battle comes, the one who trusts in God may find no need to fight, because the Lord will fight the battle.

This sermon was delivered during a Sunday morning worship service at The Message Church in San Antonio.

The manuscript for this sermon is available here.