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BGCT Executive Board 

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Baptist Church Loan Corporation 

HighGround Advisors (formerly Baptist Foundation of Texas) 

Christian Life Commission 

Texas Baptist Historical Collection 

Texas Baptist Men 

Texas Baptist Missions Foundation 

Texas Baptists Committed 

Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas 

Universities, Seminaries & School

Baptist University of the Americas 

Baylor University 

Dallas Baptist University 

East Texas Baptist University 

Hardin-Simmons University 

Houston Baptist University 

Howard Payne University 

Logsdon Seminary 

San Marcos Baptist Academy 

Truett Theological Seminary 

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 

Wayland Baptist University 

Child Care, Aging Care & Family Services


Buckner International 

Children at Heart Ministries 

South Texas Children’s Home Ministries 

Health Care

Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio 

Baptist Health System 

Baptist St. Anthony’s Health System 

Baylor Scott & White Health

Hendrick Health System 

Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center 

Valley Baptist Health System 

Baptist World Alliance

Baptist World Alliance 

North American Baptist Fellowship 

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

General Resources

National CBF 

CBF in Texas 

Theological Education

Baptist Seminary of Kentucky 

Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond 

Baptist University of the Americas 

Campbell University Divinity School 

Central Baptist Theological Seminary 

International Baptist Theological Seminary 

Logsdon Seminary 

McAfee School of Theology 

Truett Theological Seminary

M. Christopher White School of Divinity 

Wake Forest University Divinity School


Other Partners & Afflilates

American Baptist Churches, USA 

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Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment 

Baptist General Association of Virginia 

Baptist General Convention of Texas 

Baptist History & Heritage Society 

Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty 

Baptists Today 

Baptist Women in Ministry – Facebook Page 

Baptist World Alliance 

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Center for Christian Ethics 

Center for Healthy Churches

Center for Family & Community Ministries 

Church Benefits Board 

District of Columbia Baptist Convention 

Ethics Daily 

European Baptist Federation 

General Board of Discipleship, United Methodist Church 

Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas 

Passport Christian Camps 

Seeds of Hope Publishing 

Search Institute 

Smyth & Helwys Publishers 

Upper Room Ministries 

Southern Baptist Convention

General Resources

Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission 

Executive Committee 

GuideStone Financial Resources 

International Mission Board 

LifeWay Christian Resources 

North American Mission Board 

Woman’s Missionary Union 


Gateway Seminary

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 

Other Baptists

Alliance of Baptists 

American Baptist Churches USA 

Baptist General Conference 

Baptist Union of Great Britain 

Baptist World Alliance 

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 

Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention 

Mainstream Baptist Network 

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. Int’l. 

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. 

National Missionary Baptist Convention of America 

North American Baptist Conference 

Progressive National Baptist Convention 

Seventh Day Baptist General Conference 

News Partners

Baptist News Global

Baptist General Convention of Texas 

Word & Way

Book Reviews

A Gift of Love
By Martin Luther King Jr. (Beacon Press)

Millions know Martin Luther King Jr. as a social activist, but first and foremost, he saw himself as a minister of the gospel. While it is altogether fitting that schoolchildren today learn to recite his “I Have a Dream” speech, Americans would benefit from broader exposure to his sermons. His biblically based messages provided the theological foundation for the principles of nonviolence and love for enemies he practiced in the streets of Montgomery, Birmingham and Selma.

The first audiences to hear the sermons collected in A Gift of Love were worshippers at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., and Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga. Most messages are rooted in the New Testament—the primary inspiration for King’s convictions about nonviolence.

This collection includes sermons from the previously published classic Strength to Love, with only one outdated omission—”How Should a Christian View Communism?” In its place, A Gift of Love offers two significant additions, “The Drum Major Instinct” and “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.”

King wrote and delivered most of the sermons 50 years ago, but the messages ring true today.

Ken Camp, managing editor
Baptist Standard



wrightWhat’s Next? Navigating Transitions To Make the Rest of Your Life Count
By H. Norman Wright (Bethany House Publishers)

Prolific author and family therapist H. Norman Wright poses the question, “Have you considered what God’s plans are for you?” in his new book, What’s Next?

One thing we all can count on is that life will change. Wright encourages readers to see God’s plans in the midst of the changes they face. The author presents these as transitions of life that should cause a Christian to ask God, “What’s next?” He shares 15 transitions most of us will face as we navigate through life. He deals with the seasons of parenting, midlife, retirement or redirecting of life, the legacy a person will leave and the last chapter. In each of these seasons, Christians are given insights and information that point them to God to ask, “What’s next, Lord?”

Wright provides discussion questions for each chapter that will enable the book to be used as a small-group study. The author’s years of counseling and writing make this book a great resource you will go to time after time as you navigate life’s challenges.

I highly recommend Wright’s book for all who realize teach person faces constant transitions in life.

Leo Smith, retired executive director
Texas Baptist Men



The Archivists’ New Testament:ford
An Archival Arrangement of the Documents of the New Testament
By Jeanette White Ford (CreateSpace)

Archivists have earned a well-deserved reputation as meticulous preservers of historical documents. They believe arrangement matters. Origin, provenance (the idea that a creator’s records must be kept together), retention of the original order and groupings add to the meaningful use of the material.

Jeanette White Ford, retired from the National Archives of the United States, applies those principles in The Archivists’ New Testament. Ford divides the New Testament books into four sections, each produced by a different missions team—Peter, James, Paul and John. Within each team’s works, she organizes by type and then chronologically. For example, the documents produced by Paul’s team begin with Luke, continue with Acts, and follow with the epistles in chronological order. For easier use, the table of contents provides page numbers of the traditional order and the archival arrangement.

In an age of specialized Bibles, The Archivists’ New Testament isn’t targeted to archivists. Instead, the volume provides scholars and serious Bible students with fresh approaches and creative insights to their study as they see the New Testament books arranged in a new way.

Kathy Robinson Hillman, second vice president
Baptist General Convention of Texas



Beautiful Battle: A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare
By Mary E. DeMuth (Harvest House Publisher)demuth

How can spiritual warfare be beautiful? Mary DeMuth provides the answer in the introduction to Beautiful Battle: A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare. She writes about the “immense beauty of Jesus … the One who battles before and behind us.” DeMuth identifies the battles women face and offers strategies that work to defeat Satan’s devices. However, Beautiful Battle has more to say about the One who fights for us than the one who wages war against us.

Unhealthy attitudes and perspectives can be a set-up for spiritual attack. DeMuth shares her own battles honestly, with details that take the reader out of the classroom and into the field. She also takes us beyond her own experiences by including the stories of others. Beautiful Battle points out the chinks in our armor without pointing a finger. Instead, by confessing her own sometimes-faulty thinking, DeMuth demonstrates how we can become vulnerable to Satan.

Mary DeMuth is a great list-maker. Helpful lists of ideas are sprinkled throughout Beautiful Battle. She follows up each suggestion with a bit of explanation through an example or Scripture.

I liked all of DeMuth’s ideas of ways to free ourselves from an addiction to personal happiness—even the ones that sting just a bit.

Patti Richter

Meet our lesson writers

Glen Schmucker is a speaker and writer in San Antonio. He writes a daily blog on Facebook: He and his wife are members of Woodland Baptist Church in San Antonio. He is writing LifeWay's Bible Studies for Life lesson helps.

Jonathan Smith is pastor at First Baptist Church in La Grange. He is producing lesson helps for the BaptistWay curriculum.

Don Raney is pastor of First Baptist Church in Petersburg. He is writing the lesson helps for LifeWay's Explore the Bible series.

Baptists’ 400th Anniversary

The year 2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Baptist tradition. Here are some resources to help you celebrate.


Baptist news from
The latest posted news articles from the Baptist Standard covering Baptists around the world.

Baptist Links
The Baptist Standard's list of Baptist resources, ministries and institutions

The Baptist Distinctives website
Everything you always wanted to know about Baptist history and doctrine, assembled by former BGCT Executive Director William Pinson.

Read the resolution on Baptists' 400th anniversary by the BGCT's Baptist Distinctives Council.

Baptist History and Heritage Society
Resources from an independent Baptist history program based at Mercer University in Atlanta, Ga.

History Speaks to Hard Questions Baptists Ask:
(All are pdf files for download)
Baptist and Ethics: What Issues Are Most Important Today?
        By Robert Parham
Baptist Churches and Leadership: Where Are We Headed?
        By Jerry L. Faught II
Ecumenical/Interfaith Dialogue and Ministry: Are Baptists Ready for the Excitement?
        By John M. Finley
Baptist Interaction With Popular Culture: Traps and Opportunities
        By C. Delane Tew
Baptists and the Internet: Are Baptists In Touch or Out of Touch?
        By Bruce T. Gourley
Baptists and the Emerging Church: Are Baptists Losing Their Identity?
        By William Loyd Allen
Race Relations: How Do Baptists Treat Their Brothers & Sisters?
        By Pamela Smoot
Baptists and Globalism: What are Baptists' New Frontiers?
        By Bill J. Leonard
The Baptist Name: What Does it Mean?
        By Charles Deweese

Complimentary Baptist Heritage Bulletin Inserts:
Baptist Beginnings, 1609 (January 2009)
Baptist Beginnings in America, 1639 (February 2009)
Separate Baptists (March 2009)
Baptist Contributions to Religious Freedom (April 2009)

Ten Suggestions for Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Baptist Beginnings

A closer look at BGCT institutions

The Baptist Standard is cooperating with the Texas Development Officers Association in using the Standard's back page to inform, educate, and inspire Texas Baptists about the spectrum of ministry needs and philanthropic tools available to donors. Whenever a Texas Baptist institution publishes an ad on the back page of our print edition, we'll reproduce the full ad on our website and provide a link to resources that donors can take advantage of.

Click to see full-sized ad from 4/14/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 6/09/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 6/23/08 print edition.
Children at Heart Ministries
Based in Round Rock, Texas, this ministry provides a constellation of services for children.

, and Children at Heart Foundation.


Dallas Baptist University   
This Dallas-based university has been offering quality education opportunitites or more than 100 years. and Gary Cook Graduate School of Leadership
Baptist Retirement Community
This San Angelo ministry has been providing quality housing and health care for senior adults and those with special needs for 50 years.
Click to see full-sized ad from 9/1/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 9/15/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 9/29/08 print edition.
Wayland Baptist University
This Plainview school has been educating students for a century, and West Texas and the world is a brighter place for it. All the while, Christ has been at the forefront.
Baylor University
Baylor University students work to educate themselves not only for their own benefit but so that might bless people in their neighborhoods, across the nation and around the globe.
Hendrick Health System
Hendrick Health System trustees approved Project 2010, the largest expansion in the institution's history. Construction is set to begin in late fall 2008
Click to see full-sized ad from 10/13/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 11/10/08 print edition.
Click to see full-sized ad from 11/17/08 print edition.
HSU's Logsdon Seminary
Hardin-Simmons University's Logsdon Seminary in Abilene is establishing the T. B. Maston Center for Christian Ethics. Maston taught ethics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for 40 years until he retired in 1963, and was a strong proponent of racial justice. He died in 1988.
The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton was chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas. It is currently ranked in Tier One of the U.S. News & World Report as one of America's Best Universities in the Master's West Division.
South Texas Children's Home
South Texas Children's Home Ministries in Beeville offers basic dependent residential childcare, family counseling services, job training for women, and international childcare and humanitarian efforts.


Click on a year in the horizontal navigation menu above, and then put your search term in the text box marked "Filter" to find an article.

Articles published before  May 2003 are not yet availablein our current format. But you might possibly find what you're looking for by manually searching through these very old archives from 1999 to early 2003:

early 2003


Check out these blogs for opinion, ideas and insight from around the Baptist community:

Denison Forum on Truth & Culture


Blog from the Capital

Buckner Prez

Big Daddy Weave

Mainstream Baptist

SBC Outpost