Baylor Student Senate calls for LGBTQ policy changes

WACO—Baylor University’s Student Senate passed a resolution calling on the school to reinterpret its statement on human sexuality and add a nondiscrimination clause to its policies for student organizations.

“Student Government recommends that Baylor University formally and publicly announce the ability for LGBTQ+ groups to be recognized as fully chartered student organizations,” the “No Crying on Sundays” resolution stated.

The resolution passed 30-15 with one abstention. Decision-making authority with respect to the issue rests with the university administration and its board of regents.

Student Senate debates resolution

Two sophomores on the Student Senate—Addison Knight from Boerne and Veronica Penales from Shreveport, La.—were co-authors of the resolution.

“Senator Knight and I wrote this bill, not with the intent to change the identity of Baylor as a Baptist university, but rather with the desire to have Baylor leadership realize the need for Baylor to reinterpret its human sexuality statement so that it is no longer antithetical to Baylor’s overall mission statement and commitment to diversity and inclusivity, but we cannot achieve our goal of ending the discrimination of these individuals on this campus without the help of Student Senate,” Penales told the Baylor Lariat student newspaper.

Other student senators registered their dissent, saying the resolution could strain relations between the Student Senate and Baylor’s board of regents. They also said it could be an affront to the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which elects 25 percent of the board and provides financial support for the university.

“Baylor has been and will continue to be a place where people of all different races, religions, sexualities and creeds can come together under the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Baylor’s Baptist commitment holds dearly to the university’s mission. Let’s not abandon that by sending a dead-on-arrival bill up to administration without engaging with them first,” said Tate Korpi, a junior from New Braunfels. “Let’s work together and foster civil discourse with decision-makers to move forward on this issue. This is a problem. This just wasn’t the answer.”

The Waco Tribune-Herald reported Oct. 24 that Gamma Alpha Upsilon, Baylor’s unofficial LGBTQ student group, reapplied for official status as a recognized student organization. The group—previously known as the Sexuality Identity Forum—has applied for a charter multiple times in the past decade, and the university has declined its request.

Knight and Penales, along with several other students, launched a petition that asks Baylor to recognize Gamma Alpha Upsilon, reinterpret its statement on human sexuality, amend its policy on student organizations and “apologize to the current students and alumni who have been excluded from the full rights and benefits of Baylor life as a result of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Reconsideration of policy ‘not on the table’

Baylor University’s statement on human sexuality, last revised in 2009, reads in part: “The university affirms the biblical understanding of sexuality as a gift from God. Christian churches across the ages and around the world have affirmed purity in singleness and fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman as the biblical norm. Temptations to deviate from this norm include both heterosexual sex outside of marriage and homosexual behavior. It is thus expected that Baylor students will not participate in advocacy groups which promote understandings of sexuality that are contrary to biblical teaching.”

Baylor’s policy on sexual conduct, as updated in May 2015, states: “Baylor will be guided by the biblical understanding that human sexuality is a gift from God and that physical sexual intimacy is to be expressed in the context of marital fidelity. Thus, it is expected that Baylor students, faculty and staff will engage in behaviors consistent with this understanding of human sexuality.”

In a recent phone interview with the Baptist Standard, Baylor President Linda Livingstone underscored both the university’s commitment to being a caring community for all its students, as well as its steadfast commitment to its Christian mission.

Baylor University has no plans to revise its policies on human sexuality or student groups, she said, adding that the matter is “not on the table.”

She emphasized Baylor’s desire to create a climate where all its students can thrive, including those who identify as LGBTQ.

“It’s a challenging space to navigate as a Christian institution,” she said.

Young ministers join together for growth and encouragement

Young ministers long for community—not just to hang out, but to grow. To meet that need, a group of young ministers formed The Pastor’s Common in September 2019.

The Pastor’s Common exists to strengthen the church by creating space for pastors to build community, to grow morally and intellectually, to be resourced and to be heard. It now has more than 150 members.

The Truett Church Network recently featured three members of The Pastor’s Common—David Miranda, Nataly Mora and Evan Duncan—in a Pastor’s Round Table discussion hosted virtually by Matt Homeyer, assistant dean for external affairs at Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary and director of the Truett Church Network.

Miranda, one of the founders of The Pastor’s Common, is the director of Missionary Adoption Program and urban ministries for Texas Baptists. He is from Sulphur Springs and is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University.

Mora is the associate pastor of community and Spanish ministries at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church in Waco. She is a native Texan, a daughter of immigrants, a graduate of DBU and a current student at Truett Seminary. Miranda and Mora planted a church together in Dallas’ West End while attending DBU.

Duncan is teaching and communication pastor at First Baptist Church in Temple. Originally from western Pennsylvania, his stepfather was in the U.S. Army and was stationed “all over the world.” Duncan is a graduate of the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor and Truett Seminary.

Intergenerational learning

Homeyer, 39, identifies himself in a “bridge generation” between older and younger ministers. He is interested not just in what younger ministers can learn from older ministers, but also what older ministers can learn from younger ministers.

Regarding COVID-19, the most pressing current issue, Homeyer asked where Mora, Miranda and Duncan see challenge and “kingdom opportunity.”

Maintaining Park Lake Drive’s multi-generational and multiethnic identity while meeting online has been challenging, Mora said. But since the church’s diversity is ingrained—and not simply an idea or an aspiration—maintaining the church’s identity has been easier, she noted. She cited the example of a Spanish-speaking church member who made sure a senior adult woman was getting food.

Taking church online has made it easier for people to self-select different spaces, which usually are smaller and less diverse groups than when people met in person, Duncan said. Connections can’t be taken for granted during the pandemic in the way they were when people could meet in person. The benefit of virtual connections, then, is the opportunity for people to have deeper and more intentional connections than they may have had in person, he noted.

Hope for the future

Many express pessimism about the future of the American church, but Homeyer wanted to know what gives these young ministers hope as they look into the church’s future.

Duncan was quick to express how proud he is of Gen Z—those born between 1995 and 2010—who he sees leading in ministry and teaching and as incredible communicators. They are not confined or threatened by denominational boundaries, he also noted.

Also, he sees growth in spiritual practice—faith as “a thing we do” instead of something purely internal.

Mora and Miranda agreed Millenials—those born between 1981 and 1995—like “doing things in community.” Citing Emil Brunner’s Dogmatics, in which he asserts the church is a community and not a thing, Mora said Millenials tend to question institutions, preferring community and fellowship.

Frustration with the church

“Where do you grow frustrated with the church now?” Homeyer asked.

Pointing to the “sacred place” the church occupies to advocate, educate and be a good neighbor in its community, Mora lamented that the church doesn’t “step into that space often enough.”

The church frequently gets “bogged down” in problems instead of proclaiming the gospel and meeting needs, Duncan said. Young ministers know change happens slowly in the church. “But does it have to be this slow?” he asked.

Miranda is most frustrated with “moral inconsistencies” in the church and noted atheists have asked him why the church does things they see as moral equivocation. The world “is eager for us to be who we say we are,” Miranda stated.

Support from the church

In a desire for community, young ministers long to fellowship and be discipled. To achieve both, Miranda and a group of young ministers formed The Pastor’s Common for ministers in their 20s and 30s.

Young ministers also long for mentoring from seasoned ministers, Miranda added.

In response to what support young ministers need, Mora pointed to the need to encourage women called into ministry and gifted to preach and pastor.

She also counseled mentors not to put mentees in a box or to remake them in the mentor’s image. Instead, look at young ministers’ gifts and give them opportunities to use them, and “maybe even to fail. We grow from failure; we grow from those experiences, as well,” Mora added.

“Utilize our creativity,” Miranda said.

Duncan mentioned Growing Young by the Fuller Youth Institute, a resource for churches wanting to engage younger generations.

Joe Loughlin, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Temple, not only entrusts Duncan with leadership—including preaching nearly every Sunday in either the classic or modern worship services—but also wants to learn from Duncan. In turn, Duncan wants to “give those keys away” to Gen Z students.

To those younger than them

Despite younger generations’ questioning of institutions, Miranda, Mora and Duncan are on staff at three institutions.

As “insiders” who are part of institutions, Homeyer asked what encouragement or challenge they would give to those younger than them.

The younger generation values the “work that has been laid before us,” Miranda said. “We are standing on shoulders of people way ahead of us,” he added.

Mentioning Bill Arnold, founding and recently retired president of the Texas Baptist Missions Foundation, Miranda was impressed by a picture of Arnold raising money for the Texas Baptist missions when he was Miranda’s age.

“Your calling is not dependent on … the permission or whatever of other folks,” Duncan asserted. “I mean, your calling is a calling from God, and so, run with that, and do it, and when you see things that you wish were being done that aren’t being done, do those things,” he continued.

With all the transitions taking place, “the thing that you desire probably doesn’t exist,” Duncan said.

“Don’t wait for somebody to create that for you,” he urged. Instead, “if you’re called to it … just create it. And if you fail, OK. It already wasn’t there. So … give it a try,” Duncan said.

Ministers who want to connect with The Pastor’s Common can email David Miranda at or follow the group on Facebook at

The Pastor’s Common also has created a web series titled “20 Things We Learned in 2020” that is available on Facebook and will culminate on Nov. 15.

Shooting of former HSU student prompts reflection on racism

ABILENE—The Hardin-Simmons University campus community paid tribute to the life of Jonathan Price—a 31-year-old African American who was killed by a white police officer—and heard a panel discuss issues related to racism and policing.

Price, who studied business and played football at HSU in 2008, was shot and killed Oct. 3 after witnesses said Price attempted to break up a domestic disturbance at a convenience store in Wolfe City.

Shaun Lucas, who subsequently was fired from the Wolfe City Police Department for what city officials called “his egregious violation of the city’s and police department’s policies,” has been charged with murder.

‘Why does this have to happen?’

In an Oct. 13 chapel service, HSU President Eric Bruntmyer called Price “a hero” in his Northeast Texas hometown who was known as “a mentor, a motivational speaker and a community servant.”

The Hardin-Simmons University campus community paid tribute to the life of Jonathan Price—a 31-year-old African American who was killed by a white police officer—and heard a panel discuss issues related to racism and policing. (Screen Capture)

Driving to and from Price’s memorial service in Wolfe City, Bruntmyer said he was plagued by the question, “Why does this have to happen?”

Bruntmyer moderated a panel discussion during the undergraduate chapel service that included panelists Travis Craver, director of spiritual formation at HSU; Ryan Bowman, director of multicultural affairs at Abilene Christian University; Stan Standridge, chief of the Abilene Police Department; and Sandy Self, an attorney and director of legal studies and forensic studies at HSU.

From all indications, Jonathan Price was “acting in the moment” to exemplify Christ by seeking to stop an act of domestic violence, Craver observed.

“He saw a need and he acted, and he was trying to do the right thing,” Craver said.

‘Faith is defined by moments of crisis’

Based on most accounts of the incident in Wolfe City, Price was killed for “living the gospel” in a tense and fearful moment, acting as a peacemaker in “a world that has lost its way,” Bowman observed.

Ryan Bowman, director of multicultural affairs at Abilene Christian University, said America suffers from a “love deficiency” that allows fear and hatred to fester. (Screen Capture)

“For those of us who consider ourselves believers, our faith is defined by moments of crisis,” he said.

Bowman pointed to the need for Americans to examine the “love deficiency” within themselves. He observed the nation is “in crisis,” and Christians are not exempt from the fear and hatred prevalent in society.

“We even track the mud of this stuff into the sanctuary where God exists,” he said. “And our children are watching us.”

Bowman called for “heart surgery”—removing the blockages of all that prevents love from flowing.

Begin with admission of wrongdoing

A first step toward forgiveness and correction is admitting wrongdoing, said Standridge, president of the Texas Police Chiefs Association.

Stan Standridge, chief of the Abilene Police Department and president of the Texas Police Chiefs Association, said the future depends on law enforcement admitting wrongdoing and expecting a higher level of professionalism. (Screen Capture)

“On behalf of my chosen profession, let me say there can be no future without admission—admission of wrongdoing,” he said.

Rather than circling the wagons and saying “no” to reform in law enforcement, Standridge said his position—and the stance of most police chiefs—is “yes, plus some.”

Specific policy revisions—such as banning the use of chokeholds—are needed, but they are “not the panacea” to correct the problem of excessive force, he said.

Greater investment, higher standards

“Defunding the police right now is the worst thing that we could do, because we’ve got to start investing in the police if ultimately you are going to be safe out there on the streets,” Standridge said.

Society needs to invest more in training police officers and encourage the pursuit of accreditation in order for law enforcement to improve as a profession, he insisted. Accreditation requires compliance with 170 best practices and opens departments to evaluation by a certifying entity.

Only about 200 of more than 2,700 law enforcement organizations in Texas are accredited, which Standridge called “woefully inadequate.”

He also pointed to the need to “invade law enforcement culture” with the concept of what’s called “active bystandership” to create an environment that encourages responsible peer and citizen intervention.

Standridge also called for resources to help law enforcement officers deal with the trauma to which they constantly and repeatedly are exposed.

“There is a direct correlation between officers with unaddressed trauma and excessive use of force,” he said.

Swift action an encouraging sign

The swift action taken after the shooting—including the Texas Rangers quickly wrapping up their investigation and bringing homicide charges against the officer involved—offers good reason to believe “justice will be done” in the case of Price’s death, Self said.

“It speaks volumes how quickly Shaun Lucas was arrested after this happened,” she said.

The presence of body camera video also presents good reason to believe a just verdict will be rendered, she added.

“I don’t know the evidence. I haven’t seen the body cam footage, obviously. But I believe in my heart this will end up in a just verdict for Jonathan,” she said.

‘Racism is a spiritual issue’

Bruntmyer challenged white students to reach out to their Black and Hispanic peers and ask permission to accompany them to their churches.

“It sounds to me like racism is a spiritual issue,” he said.

Bowman, in turn, urged minority students to “open up,” allowing white students to enter into their lives and confront the unknown with courageous faith.

“It’s not until we start to dialogue and start to get familiar with one another that relationships will change,” he said.

That involves moving out of comfortable positions and practicing proactive love, he asserted.

“We can stay in the pocket of frustration and hatred, but it takes a courageous faith and courageous action to say, ‘I want to be part of a greater change,’” Bowman said.

View the chapel service, including the panel discussion, here.

Two DBU students killed in car accident

An early morning two-car accident on Oct. 4 claimed the lives of two Dallas Baptist University students.

Two first-year students—Kaitlyn Kotzman of Fort Worth and Karina de la Rosa of Pearsall—were killed in the crash on Mountain Creek Parkway, less than a mile from the university campus.

“We are devastated by this horrible loss of life,” DBU President Adam C. Wright said. “We are praying for the families of all those involved as they process through this tragedy.”

Three other students involved in the accident sustained non-life-threatening injuries and are recovering with their families, Blake Killingsworth, vice president for communications at DBU, reported on Oct. 6.

After an evening prayer service in Pilgrim Chapel on Oct. 5, DBU posted on Facebook: “Father, it is with heavy hearts that we draw near in prayer, not understanding but with confidence in your promise to work all things for our good and your glory, with confidence in your power to redeem and restore.

Dallas Baptist University students join in a prayer and praise service Oct. 5 in memory of two classmates killed in an auto accident. (DBU Photo)

“To the families of Karina and Kaitlyn, it was a gift to walk with your daughters. Our DBU Family grieves with you and continues to pray for you.

“To our students, we love you. We’re honored to be your DBU Family. We want to walk alongside you in this season.”

DBU administration announced the university will provide counseling for classmates and friends of the affected students.

On Sept. 25, a DBU doctoral student from Odessa and his wife were killed in an auto collision. Kenny Comstock, executive pastor of the nondenominational Crossroads Fellowship church in Odessa, and his wife Melissa died in a two-vehicle collision in New Mexico.

Christian mission guides Baylor decisions, Livingstone insists

WACO—Whether responding to controversy, revising curriculum or coping with a pandemic, every decision at Baylor University is considered in light of the school’s Christian mission, President Linda Livingstone asserted.

“Everything is judged by our mission,” Livingstone told the Baptist Standard in a wide-ranging interview on Sept. 28.

Livingstone accepted the Baylor president’s role three years ago at a time when the university faced multiple investigations regarding its handling of sexual abuse complaints, centered primarily on its athletic program.

Within a few months after her arrival, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges lifted its warning sanction. About a year later, the Big 12 Conference fined Baylor $2 million for damage to the conference’s reputation, but it also verified the university was in compliance with conference bylaws and had “structurally completed and practically implemented” all 105 recommendations made by attorneys formerly with the Pepper Hamilton firm that probed Baylor.

Baylor adapts to COVID-19 context

In recent months, Baylor has faced challenges shared by other educational institutions across the country—coping with the health and safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Baylor University President Linda Livingstone talks to students. (Baylor University Photo)

At the time the pandemic hit in March, Baylor was “rolling along,” making progress in implementing its Illuminate strategic academic plan and the $1.1 billion Give Light fundraising campaign to support it, Livingstone said.

COVID-19 forced the university to adapt quickly and work through the challenges of delivering instruction virtually during the spring semester and then move to multiple delivery systems—in-person, online and hybrid models—this fall, she noted.

“At the end of the day, our mission trumps everything,” she said, pointing to principles Baylor’s regents and administration agreed upon early in the pandemic. “Our mission has to be priority—our Christian mission.”

Baylor committed to protect the health and well-being of students, faculty and staff and take necessary steps to create a safe and educationally fulfilling campus environment, she noted.

“Teaching looks very different now than it did, and it has required our faculty to work above and beyond what they ever thought they would do over the last six or seven months—to adapt and change and to learn how to teach in a different way,” she said.

A ‘caring community’ that maintains social distance

Baylor faces the continuing challenge of creating a “caring community” built on relationships during a period when “high-touch” programs are made difficult by social distancing requirements, Livingstone said.

In April, Baylor mobilized Bear Care coaches to check on students each week to help them deal with the stress of online education and adapting to the changing COVID-19 environment.

Recently, the Baylor Counseling Center launched “Quaranteam” support groups to help students deal with feelings of isolation and loneliness. For freshmen, the university also created small family groups of students to promote relationship-building in a time of social distancing.

Apart from the pandemic, Livingstone said the greatest surprise she has encountered in her first three years as Baylor’s president is the depth of care and concern the “Baylor family” has for the university.

“That’s why they react really strongly to things on our campus sometimes—both the good things and the more challenging things—because they love the university so much,” she said.

Chapel speaker sparks controversy

In February, a presentation by chapel speaker Kaitlin Curtice drew the ire of a student group and some parents and alumni. In a presentation infused with Native American spirituality, Curtice addressed God as “Mystery” and urged students to reject “toxic patriarchy” and “envision a decolonized spirituality.”

Livingstone attributed the controversial presentation to a “miscommunication” between the chapel speaker and a Baylor staff member.

“It was an unfortunate incident. It’s not what we would have wanted to happen,” she said. “It’s not anything that was done intentionally.”

As a result, the university implemented a policy to require an outline or manuscript from chapel speakers. It also put in place procedures to explore more thoroughly with guest speakers information about their ministries and emphases prior to extending an invitation.

“We are continuously looking at chapel—how it is working and things we need to do differently,” Livingstone said.

She pointed to an ongoing Spirituality and Character Formation Study the university launched to help understand where students are in their faith development and how Baylor can influence positively students spiritual growth.

In recognition of the fact that many students—even those who grew up in church—come to Baylor lacking a depth of knowledge about the Bible, Baylor has scheduled chapel presentations to coordinate with themes and concepts students learn about in the required Christian Scriptures class and other courses, she noted.

Baylor also recently redesigned its arts and sciences core curriculum to integrate core Christian virtues and values into the curriculum in an intentional manner, she added.

9/11 trigger warning reflected ‘poor judgment’

Another campus controversy erupted in recent weeks when a Baylor University staff member placed a “sensitive content” trigger warning sign near a 9/11 memorial display of American flags on campus. The action drew swift criticism from the Baylor chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas and caused some to question whether Baylor was yielding to excessive “political correctness.”

Livingstone acknowledged a Baylor staff member “used poor judgment in that circumstance.” She noted the university quickly removed the warning sign, apologized to the group that sponsored the memorial, and changed its “policies and protocols” in response.

Livingstone encouraged anyone concerned about any perceived drift away from Baylor’s Christian commitment or its dedication to Christian values to look at “the broad context of what we’re doing as an institution.”

Baylor navigates ‘challenging space’ on LGBTQ issues

While some conservative groups have accused Baylor of drifting toward political and theological liberalism, some prominent donors have criticized the university for its policies related to LGBTQ issues.

They have critiqued Baylor’s statement on human sexuality that affirms “purity in singleness and fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman as the biblical norm” and the university’s unwillingness to grant official recognition to LGBTQ student groups.

Baylor has no plans to change its policies regarding human sexuality or students groups, Livingstone said, adding that the matter is “not on the table.” At the same, the university seeks to create an environment where all students—including those who identify as LGBTQ—can thrive.

“It’s a challenging space to navigate as a Christian institution,” she acknowledged.

Baylor’s commission on historic campus representations is meeting regularly to study the university’s historic links to slaveholders and racial injustice, and it is on track to present its report and recommendations to Baylor’s board of regents in December, she reported.

The university has no desire to erase or deny its history, but rather to “tell the complete history” of Baylor—paying due attention to individuals and groups who previously may not been recognized sufficiently, she noted.

A Christian ‘voice at the table’ in higher education

Baylor occupies a distinctive position among Protestant universities in terms of its deep commitment to its Christian mission and its goal of operating as a preeminent national and international research institution, Livingstone asserted.

“That gives us a voice at the table on really significant and important issues in this country, and what makes us unique in that space is our Christian mission,” she said.

Scholars at Baylor are conducting research at the highest level while being motivated by their Christian faith, she added.

“Every time we make a decision about something—whether it is a teaching decision, a research decision, a COVID decision or whatever—we are saying: Is it going to strengthen that Christian mission? Is it going to reflect it well?” Livingstone said.

Baylor has no intention of surrendering its distinctive role within American higher education or retreating from its Christian commitment, she stressed.

“We are going to have missteps occasionally. We don’t like it when that happens. We do everything we can to address those and correct them,” Livingstone said. “But those are never any indication of a drifting from our deep commitment to our Christian mission and to the importance we see in that.”

BGCT Executive Board recommends $34.27 million budget

DALLAS—Messengers to Texas Baptists’ virtual annual meeting will consider a $34,266,688 total Texas 2021 budget—a decrease of $833,779 from this year’s budget.

Donna Burney of First Woodway Baptist Church in Waco chairs a meeting of the BGCT Executive Board conducted via Zoom video conference. (Photo courtesy of Texas Baptists)

The Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board approved the budget recommendation at its Sept. 21 meeting, conducted via Zoom video conference. The board also authorized a dollar-for-dollar match to forgive a $1 million loan to Baptist University of the Américas.

The board’s budget recommendation projects a $32 million net Texas budget—based on Cooperative Program giving and investment income—for 2021, down about $500,000 from the 2020 budget.

The recommended budget depends on $27 million in Texas Cooperative Program receipts from churches, compared to $27.5 million in the current year’s budget.

Ward Hayes, BGCT treasurer and chief financial officer/treasurer, reported $16.35 million in Texas Cooperative Program giving through July 31, compared to $16.59 million at the same time last year. Through the end of July, Texas Cooperative Program receipts were at 97.4 percent of 2020 budget requirements.

Lester Leonares from First Philippine Baptist Church in Missouri City, chair of the finance committee, presents recommendations to the BGCT Executive Board regarding the 2021 proposed budget. (Screen Capture)

The recommended 2021 budget anticipates slightly more than $5 million in investment income, comparable to the 2020 budget.

The budget proposal also anticipates more than $2.5 million in additional revenue from conference and booth fees, product sales, the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board and other sources.

Staff salaries in the proposed budget are relatively flat but include a 9.1 percent increase in health insurance. Institutional support remains relatively flat in the recommended 2021 budget.

Messengers from Texas Baptist churches will vote on the budget proposal as part of the Nov. 16-17 annual meeting, which will be conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The board also recommended continued division of undesignated receipts from affiliated churches, with 79 percent allocated for the BGCT and 21 percent for worldwide causes. Each church determines the recipient or recipients of its worldwide giving.

If approved at the annual meeting, an anticipated $1.05 million in worldwide missions initiatives and partnerships be allocated in this manner: $350,000 for missions mobilization, $210,000 for River Ministry and Mexico missions, $125,000 for Texas Partnerships, $60,000 for the Baptist World Alliance, $50,000 for intercultural international initiatives, $195,000 for Go Now Missions, $25,000 for the Hispanic Education Task Force and $35,000 for chaplaincy.

Loan forgiveness plan approved for BUA

The board also approved a proposal to forgive the $1 million loan approved three years ago for BUA in a manner that provides an incentive for the school’s fund-raising efforts.

In September 2017, the BGCT Executive Board had approved financial assistance for BUA, including a $1 million no-interest loan for five years.

BGCT Executive Director David Hardage voiced his hope that Texas Baptists will become known as “GC2” people—Christians committed equally to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

The board-approved recommendation forgives $1 of the loan for every $1 BUA raises from any external source between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2022.

In his address to the board, BGCT President Michael Evans reflected on the tension in the United States and anxiety related to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He reminded the board of Christ’s command to his followers to “love one another.”

“In the midst of chaos, we must abide in his love,” Evans said.

BGCT Executive Director David Hardage voiced his hope that Texas Baptists will become known as “GC2” people—Christians committed equally to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. As Texas Baptists seek to fulfill their mission and vision, he expressed his desire that they be guided by two imperatives: “Share Christ. Show love.”

In other business, the BGCT Executive Board:

  • Elected Clint Davis of First Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant as chair and Bobby Contreras of Alamo Heights Baptist Church in San Antonio as vice chair of the BGCT Executive Board for 2021.
  • Approved the allocation of $200,000 of investment income from the J.K. Wadley Mission Fund for church starts and $100,000 of income from the same source to fund campus missionary interns in 2021.
  • Elected Brandon Skaggs of First Baptist Church in Belton, Irene Gallegos of Iglesia Bautista Getsemani in Fort Worth, Raymond Sanchez of First Baptist Church in Weslaco and Ryan Buck of Immanuel Baptist Church in San Angelo to fill vacancies on the Christian Life Commission.
  • Authorized policy changes allowing BGCT employees to roll over up to 80 hours of earned and unused personal time off, an increase from the existing limit of 40 hours, and setting 6 percent of an employee’s regular base salary as the standard amount matched by the employer.
  • Approved Weaver as the accounting firm to conduct the financial audit for 2020.

The board filled vacancies on councils by electing:

  • Larry Landusky of Second Baptist Church in Lubbock, Ann Bradshaw of Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, Don Allen of Sugar Creek Baptist Church in Sugar Land, Grady Tyroch of First Baptist Church in Temple, Robert Power of First Baptist Church in Richardson, David Lake of South Spring Baptist Church in Tyler, Jim Newman of First Baptist Church in Frisco and JoAnn Botts of First Baptist Church in Plano to the Texas Baptists’ Missions Foundation Council.
  • Bart Howell of Eagles View Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Bryan Pinson of First Baptist Church in Midland, Chad Bertrand of South Park Baptist Church in Austin, Chad Mason of Calvary Baptist Church in McAllen, Edgardo Martinez of First Baptist Church in El Paso, Jeff Covington of Oakwood Baptist Church in New Braunfels, Nancy Jackson of The Woodlands Baptist Church in The Woodlands and Robert Watson of First Baptist Church in Tyler to the Missions Funding Council.
  • Jeff W. Smith of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas and Jimmy Garcia of First Baptist Church in Duncanville to the Baptist Distinctives Council.
  • Linda Templin of First Baptist Church in Arlington and John Wheat of Trinity Baptist Church in Kerrville to the Baptist Student Ministry Council.
  • Ronny Marriott of First Baptist Church in Burleson and Craig Curry of First Baptist Church in Plano to the Theological Education Council.
  • Megan Maxwell of The Woodlands Baptist Church in The Woodlands, Nataly Mora of Park Lane Drive Baptist Church in Waco and Larry Soape of First Baptist Church in San Antonio to the BaptistWay Press Advisory Council.
  • Larry J. Sanders of Keller Springs Baptist Church in Carrollton to the Cultural Engagement Council.
  • Darin Wood of First Baptist Church in Midland to the Great Commission Team’s Evangelism Strategic Planning Council.
  • George Will Bearden of First Baptist Church in San Antonio, Rochelle Binion of Agape Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Garry Patterson of Berean Baptist Church in San Antonio, Judy Collins of The Crossing Baptist Church in Mesquite, David Kirk of First Baptist Church in San Antonio and Elmo Johnson of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church in Houston to the Chaplaincy Endorsement Council. The board also elected as out-of-state representatives to the same council Robert Pipkin of First Baptist Church in Suffolk, Va.; Sara Hester of First Baptist Church in Oneonta, Ala.; Richard Brown of Bonsack Baptist Church in Roanoke, Va.; Clint Calvert of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Rochester, Minn.; and Kristen Curtis of First Baptist Church in Farmville, Va.

Pandemic impact on enrollment less than expected

In spite of dire predictions, COVID-19 generally had a less-severe-than-anticipated impact on fall enrollment at most Texas Baptist universities.

Five Texas Baptist universities—Baylor University, Houston Baptist University, East Texas Baptist University, the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and Howard Payne University—along with Stark College reported higher overall enrollment in fall 2020 than in fall 2019.

Three schools—Baylor, HBU and ETBU—posted record total enrollments. Baylor, ETBU and DBU also recorded increased freshman enrollment, with Baylor and DBU reporting the largest classes of incoming first-year students in their history.

Those achievements run contrary to bleak national forecasts regarding college and university enrollment in the midst of a global pandemic.

Surveys of college-bound high school students in March and April prompted at least one higher education research and marketing company to predict four-year colleges would face up to a 20 percent loss in fall enrollment.

In a nationwide PulsePoint survey of college and university presidents in May conducted for the American Council on Education, two-thirds (65 percent) named fall enrollment as their most pressing issue.

Baylor, HBU defy expectations

Defying those fears and predictions, Baylor enrolled 19,297 students this fall, including 14,399 undergraduate students. Total enrollment in fall 2019 was 18,033.

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Linda Livingstone

Baylor reported 3,731 freshmen enrolled, surpassing the record 3,625 first-year enrollment in 2014. It also is the most diverse freshman class in Baylor history, with minority enrollment increasing to 38 percent.

“Even in the face of many unknowns and uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tremendous interest in a Baylor University education from prospective students and their families as well as from our continuing students never wavered,” President Linda Livingstone said. “This is a true testament to the incredible efforts of hundreds of staff and faculty at Baylor.”

HBU reported 3,975 total enrollment, marking eight consecutive years of record-setting enrollment numbers.

It included the highest undergraduate enrollment at the HBU campus for the second consecutive year and the highest online enrollment for the fourth consecutive year, according to James Steen, vice president for enrollment management.

With 647 enrolled, HBU marked its second-largest freshman class in history, behind last year’s record-setting 706 enrollment, Steen reported. The university also enrolled 160 transfer students.

ETBU sets record; Enrollment up at UMHB and HPU

ETBU posted 1,714 total enrollment, an 8 percent increase over fall 2019, marking the highest recorded enrollment in the school’s 108-year history. Enrollment in the university’s graduate programs increased 22 percent, and first-time freshman enrollment increased 17 percent over fall 2019.

In spite of uncertainties related to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, East Texas Baptist University is celebrating its highest recorded student enrollment in the university’s 108-year history with 1,714 total students, reflecting an 8 percent increase over fall 2019, and an 84 percent undergraduate retention rate—3 percent higher than the five-year average. (ETBU Photo)

“We celebrate the provision of a resilient and dedicated faculty and staff, faithful donors, supportive alumni and strong enrollment in the midst of the global pandemic,” ETBU President Blair Blackburn said.

ETBU also reported an 84 percent undergraduate retention rate—3 percent higher than its five-year average.

“ETBU’s success is the result of faithful men and women not allowing the circumstances of the pandemic to hinder them from being faithful in obeying God’s call of shaping students called by him to the Hill,” said Jeremy Johnston, vice president for admissions.

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor reported 3,876 total enrollment, up from 3,846 in fall 2019. UMHB experienced a drop in incoming freshman enrollment—741 this semester, compared to 868 in fall 2019.

Howard Payne University recorded 1,061 students—its highest overall enrollment since 2016, according to Kyle Mize, assistant vice president for communications. Fall 2019 total enrollment was 1,031.

While first-year student enrollment numbers are down slightly from the same time last year, retention at HPU is up, he added.

Stark College, BUA feel COVID-19 impact

At Stark College, 182 students registered for the fall term, compared to 175 students in fall 2019. All fall classes at Stark College are being offered online or via Zoom teleconference.

The school’s entry-level certificate program enrolled 93 students, compared to 105 last fall.

Stark College’s student population is 55 percent Hispanic, 22 percent Black, 2 percent Asian and 3 percent two or more races. Given the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on minority groups, the school has faced significant challenges, President Tony Celelli said.

“Thirty-four students were personally affected by the virus either by contracting the disease, lost their job, or lost wages,” Celelli said. “Additionally, another 26 students felt the sting of the virus by a family member who contracted COVID-19, lost their job, or lost wages. Unfortunately, seven students lost family members due to COVID-19. Our hearts are heavy with the loss experienced by Stark’s nontraditional students.”

Baptist University of the Américas reported a 17.2 percent decrease in its total enrollment, compared to fall 2019. However, freshman enrollment increased 7.1 percent.

The number of single students living on-campus at BUA dropped 50 percent compared to this time one year ago.

“Most of our students are now taking classes online. They have remained with their families, but they are continuing their education at BUA,” said Gabriel Cortés, chief of staff at BUA.

Ups and downs at Wayland, DBU, HSU

Wayland Baptist University reported increased enrollment—1,166 students this semester, compared to 1,156 last year—at its Plainview campus. The total included 979 undergraduates and 187 graduate students.

However, the university reported decreased enrollment at its external campuses—2,178 in fall 2020 compared to 2,930 in fall 2019.

Dallas Baptist University reported 4,247 total enrollment for fall 2020—a 5.3 percent decrease from 4,487 in fall 2019.

However, DBU enrolled its largest-ever class of incoming first-year students at 618—a 7.85 percent increase over 573 the previous fall semester.

DBU also recorded 2,419 traditional-age students on campus, the largest number in the school’s history. The school’s overall retention rate of traditional-age students was almost 90 percent. The university retained 75.58 percent from its freshman class to its sophomore class, compared to last year’s 71.62 percent retention rate.

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Eric Bruntmyer

Hardin-Simmons University reported 2,128 total enrollment for fall 2020, down from 2,324 in fall 2019. New undergraduate student enrollment is 527, compared to 581.

However, new graduate student enrollment showed an increase—183 this semester, compared to 179 in fall 2019.

HSU officials reported increased enrollment in several new programs in business, science and health.

“At HSU, we are blessed to have our students back on campus together. We are all working to prioritize everyone’s safety and health while continuing to provide an education enlightened by Christian faith and values. With support from our faculty, staff and students, HSU is very optimistic about this year and beyond,” President Eric Bruntmyer said.

Baylor and Southwestern sue foundation tied to Patterson

WASHINGTON (RNS)—Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary have sued a charitable foundation they say is trying to misuse millions of dollars in assets.

The two Baptist institutions filed suit Sept. 8 against the Texas-based Harold E. Riley Foundation and its board of trustees.

According to the lawsuit, the foundation was set up in 2002 by Riley, a wealthy businessman who died in 2017, for the benefit of the two schools. The schools were granted the freedom to name a majority of the foundation’s board and the foundation’s stated charitable purpose was to provide support for the schools.

Changes in governance and charitable purpose alleged

In 2018, that changed, according to the suit.

The lawsuit alleges the foundation’s board of trustees rewrote its bylaws—without notifying Baylor or Southwestern—and changed the charitable purpose of the foundation. As part of the changes, the two schools were also stripped of their ability to name board members, removing the foundation’s only beneficiaries from any governance role.

The changes were made without input from either school, according to the lawsuit. Baylor and Southwestern also claim the meetings where the changes were made were invalid.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary trustee chairman Kevin Ueckert (left) addresses trustees at a special called meeting at the Fort Worth campus May 22, 2018. The board met to discuss the controversy surrounding Paige Patterson (right), then president of the seminary. (Photo by Adam Covington/SWBTS via BP)

According to the suit, the changes to the foundation were made a few days after Paige Patterson, former president of Southwestern, was fired by the seminary’s board. Foundation President Mike C. Hughes, who served as vice president for advancement at Southwestern under Patterson, is named as a defendant in the suit.

Complicating matters, the foundation’s offices are located on the campus of Southwestern and its board members include people with close ties to Patterson.

The seminary sees the changes at the foundation as part of a pattern to undermine support for the school after Patterson’s departure.

“This is but the latest in a two-year pattern of attempts to divert support away from the seminary to other causes. We have sought relief with heavy hearts but firm resolve to expose and stop ongoing efforts to cause harm to our students and generous ministry partners,” Colby T. Adams, vice president of strategic initiatives at Southwestern, told Religion News Service in an email.

In a statement provided to Baptist Press through a spokesperson, Patterson denied wrongdoing, writing: “To the many friends of the Pattersons, my wife and I have been loyal and answered questions where we could. We are not a part of any plan to usurp anyone’s power or authority, no matter what allegations may arise. To the contrary, we have actually sought to assist Southwestern in a helpful and Christlike way, without regard to their treatment of us. We rest our case with the Lord God.”

Suit alleges improper action by foundation board

The suit alleges the board sold off more than 700,000 shares in Citizens Inc., the company founded by Riley, but shared only a fraction of those proceeds with the schools.

Before the changes in 2018, a spokesman for Baylor said, the school had received $1.125 million from the foundation. Since 2018, it has received $250,000.

Board members also are accused of attempting to appoint foundation board members and their friends to paid positions on the board of Citizens Inc., in violation of the foundation’s own rules, according to the suit.

According to a separate lawsuit filed in Colorado, the foundation has the right to appoint a majority of members to Citizens’ board of directors because it owns Class B stock in the company.

Earlier this year, according to the suit, the foundation board attempted to name Patterson and Hughes to the Citizens board. The foundation board also attempted to name three others to the Citizens board, all with ties to Patterson: David August Boto, a former vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee; Charles Hott; and J. Clinton Pugh.

That Colorado lawsuit claims other board members of Citizens, who include former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, “sought to impede Plaintiff’s voting rights and made up procedural requirements to wrongfully delay the five New Class B Directors’ appointments.”

Citizens Inc. did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In an interview with Baptist Press, Boto called the claims “absurd.”

“The entire (foundation) board is committed to supporting the ongoing work of both (Southwestern and Baylor) for as long as possible, as well as possible,” Boto said. “That was what Harold Riley wanted. We’ll stay true to that assignment.”

Schools want foundation returned to its founding purpose

Both Baylor and Southwestern say they want the foundation to return to its original purpose.

(Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Photo)

Adam W. Greenway, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, said Harold Riley and his family were longtime supporters of the school. He said the suit aims to ensure the foundation serves Riley’s intentions as a donor.

“We have recently become aware of inappropriate manipulation related to board governance and apparent misapplication of funds by self-appointed rogue leadership of the foundation established in Mr. Riley’s name,” Greenway said in a statement.

“We believe these individuals are attempting to undermine and overturn Mr. Riley’s expressed directives and are in violation of their fiduciary duties.”

(Baylor University Photo)

Baylor President Linda A. Livingstone said Riley was a generous donor to the school and provided scholarships to students at Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business as well as support for Baylor’s library and athletic program. Riley also supported Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor.

“It is frankly disheartening to have discovered that Mr. Riley’s legacy and the educational funding for future generations of Christian leaders appear to have been misused for purposes other than those identified by Mr. Riley,” Livingstone said in a statement.

Under the lawsuit, the two schools seek the removal of the foundation’s current trustees and a freezing of the foundation’s assets until the foundation’s original charitable purpose is restored.

“It is the strong desire of both Southwestern Seminary and Baylor University that this matter be resolved without the necessity of a trial,” Greenway said in a statement. “It is our further hope that we can settle this issue in the spirit of Christian charity by returning direction and control of the foundation to its beneficiaries and restoring the member status of both Southwestern and Baylor.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: This developing story first was published Sept. 9.  It was updated the next morning to include additional information from Baptist Press, news service of the SBC Executive Committee.

Records reveal R.C. Buckner was a slaveholder

DALLAS—Buckner International recently learned 160-year-old records show its long-revered namesake founder, R.C. Buckner, was a slaveholder.

The 1860 “slave schedule” for Lamar County revealed Buckner—who was pastor of First Baptist Church in Paris at the time—as the owner of an enslaved 16-year-old Black female.

Albert Reyes, president and CEO of Buckner International, sent an email and video to staff last week acknowledging the discovery, and the organization issued a public statement Sept. 2.

“We cannot vindicate history, nor can we vindicate those who lived it. Slavery in America was one of the vilest sins ever perpetuated against humanity. It was wrong, and those who owned other human beings cannot and should not be given a pass. We owe it to enslaved people of the past and their descendants to openly acknowledge this evil,” Reyes stated.

‘Painful’ history acknowledged

The revelation about “Father Buckner,” as he was known for generations, came as a surprise and as a reminder “that history is indeed painful at times,” he acknowledged.

R.C. Buckner

“For many of us who have revered R.C. Buckner, it is a reminder that Jesus Christ is the only person in human history who lived a faultless life,” Reyes stated. “Scripture tells us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.’ Our Buckner mission statement admonishes us ‘to follow the example of Jesus in serving vulnerable children, families, and senior adults.’

“And while we are disappointed with R.C. Buckner’s human failure, we nonetheless remember the impact of this ministry throughout 14 decades, and we rejoice for those whose lives have been changed.”

Buckner International leaders first learned about the Lamar County “slave schedule” when Editor Brian Kaylor of Word & Way, a Missouri-based Baptist news organization, brought it to their attention.

Kaylor told the Baptist Standard he first began accessing online slaveholding records when he was researching his own church’s history—a search that revealed several of its pastors had been slaveholders. After discovering the online tools, available through services used by genealogical researchers, he said he “randomly” entered the names of individuals related to Baptist institutions on occasion.

“On a whim,” Kaylor said, he searched for information related to R.C. Buckner after Buckner International’s board of trustees issued a statement in July denouncing “racism in all its forms” and affirming the organization’s “commitment to racial reconciliation.”

Historians investigate

In his email to employees, Reyes noted Buckner’s executive leaders contacted three Baptist historians—Estelle Owens, retired history professor at Wayland Baptist University; Alan Lefever, director of the Texas Baptist Historical Collection; and Karen Bullock with the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute and Buckner biographer—to verify the information Kaylor presented.

Owens “conducted extensive research on this issue to confirm the veracity of this document and to understand any context that might explain this surprising information,” Reyes wrote.

“She spent most of three weeks tracking down records and talking with county officials in Kentucky and Lamar County. She visited with librarians and searched scores of online documents,” he continued. “At the end of her work, Dr. Owens concluded that there is nothing to dispute the 1860 slave schedule, and there is no explanation in the historical record.”

Lefever, who serves on a 26-member commission appointed two months ago to study Baylor University’s historical links to slavery, noted “records indicate that many prominent Baptist leaders in the 19th century owned slaves,” Reyes wrote.

Bullock, who wrote her doctoral dissertation on R.C. Buckner, said “while doing her research, she had heard rumors of this (slave ownership), but she was never able to uncover any evidence,” Reyes wrote. “Her work was conducted long before online resources were available.”

Buckner known as social reformer

Based on what is known about Buckner’s generally progressive attitude toward African Americans, Reyes said, Bullock offered three possible explanations regarding the newly uncovered evidence:

  • The enslaved female was given to R.C. and Vienna Buckner by her family and then freed.
  • The Buckners took the girl into their home when they arrived in Paris in 1860 so that they could free her.
  • They did, in fact, own an enslaved Black female for domestic housework.

“Dr. Bullock points out that records show that the Buckners had previously freed slaves they inherited from family members,” Reyes wrote.

In a May 2013 Baptist history column Bullock wrote for CommonCall magazine, she noted Texas Baptists referred to Buckner as “Sir Great Heart,” not only for his philanthropic work, but also for his pioneering leadership as a social reformer—including the area of race relations.

“Buckner served as president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas 20 consecutive years, becoming a respected national voice for the wounded and powerless,” she wrote.

In his public statement, Reyes noted Buckner founded the first Black high school in North Texas, the first orphanage in Texas for African American children and the first Black Baptist association in Texas.

“On his 86th birthday in 1919, the Dallas Express, the oldest and largest Black-owned newspaper in the South, reported that African American friends from across the southwest went to Buckner Orphans Home ‘to do honor to Father R.C. Buckner,’” he stated.

‘Forward Together’

Even so, “those who owned slaves cannot and should not be given a pass,” Reyes wrote in his email to staff. “It was wrong, and we owe it to slaves of the past and their descendants to be honest and truthful.”

Buckner held a town hall meeting Aug. 31 to discuss the matter and the new organizational initiative, Forward Together: A Plan of Action for Racial Equality, designed to “advance open conversations and actions in response to racial tensions in America” and their impact on Buckner’s staff, its ministry and those the organization serves.

“Today, our workforce is comprised of nearly 67 percent non-white staff. We serve an equally diverse population of children and families. And yet we must press on, knowing that numbers alone do not define equality,” Reyes stated.

He quoted Martin Luther King Jr.: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

Ministries prepare for Hurricane Laura

Texas Baptist Men placed all its disaster relief volunteers on standby and Buckner International ministries evacuated personnel and clients from Beaumont in preparation for Hurricane Laura.

From Galveston to southwest Louisiana, about a half-million residents were ordered to evacuate as Hurricane Laura intensified. It was expected to make landfall late Aug. 26 or early Aug. 27, possibly as a Category 4 storm that could cause a catastrophic storm surge.

TBM disaster relief volunteers in Dallas loaded water and prepared a mobile kitchen to deploy to Southeast Texas as Hurricane Laura threatened the Gulf Coast. (TBM Photo)

All TBM disaster relief units and 5,300 volunteers have been placed on standby, including rapid response teams who are prepared to be serving within 24 hours after the storm hits.

Mud-out crews are preparing to clean out and disinfect any flooded homes, and chainsaw teams will remove fallen trees and broken limbs that present danger to residents.

Other volunteers will provide emergency food service, chaplaincy and access to showers and laundry equipment.

“Hurricane Laura is a significant storm poised to cause significant damage,” said Mickey Lenamon, TBM chief executive officer. “Our volunteers are packed and ready to serve as soon as we can. Together, TBM volunteers will deliver help, hope and healing in the hardest days of people’s lives. Please pray for everyone who will be affected by the storm as well as those who will respond to needs.”

Buckner evacuates from Beaumont

Staff at Buckner Children and Family Services and Buckner’s Calder Woods senior living facility began evacuation in the Beaumont area following a mandatory order issued by Jefferson County officials Aug. 24.

Evacuating people during the COVID-19 pandemic posed additional hurdles, Buckner President Albert Reyes acknowledged.

“But our team was well prepared from past hurricanes and the work we have done the past six months mitigating risks from the pandemic,” Reyes said. “I’m proud of our teams’ response and would ask for prayers this week for Buckner and for everyone affected by these storms.”

Buckner staff started monitoring the storms a week earlier when the tropical storms Laura and Marco caused meteorologists to predict the unprecedented possibility of two hurricanes simultaneously in the Gulf of Mexico. While Marco eventually weakened, Laura continued to build momentum.

Children and foster families relocate to Camp Buckner

Early Aug. 25, a caravan of cars and vans containing 76 mask-wearing staff, children and families from Buckner Children and Family Services left Beaumont headed west to the safety of Camp Buckner near Burnet. The group included 18 Buckner employees and their families, along with 17 children from the assessment center and foster families.

“The children in the care of Buckner are already processing through many issues that impacted them earlier in life. When you compound that trauma with additional large-scale crises like a hurricane and global pandemic, a greater uncertainty emerges as their worlds keep changing,” said Henry Jackson, senior vice president of Buckner Children and Family Services.

Camp Buckner employs a licensed counselor, who will work with the displaced children and staff to help alleviate the additional stress and fear from the storm and travel.

“Our amazing staff in Beaumont and at Camp Buckner are certainly rising to the challenge to provide a calm and caring response while providing for the children’s physical, emotional and psychological needs,” Jackson said. “I am extremely proud of our Children and Family Services professionals who continuously provide a sense of normalcy for vulnerable children and let them know they do not have to carry the extra burden themselves.”

Calder Woods residents go to Houston, Austin and Dallas

At the same time, Calder Woods associates in full personal protection equipment worked all morning to assist 68 health care residents as they safely boarded an assortment of ambulances and charter buses bound for Parkway Place in Houston, Buckner Villas in Austin and Ventana by Buckner in Dallas. More than two dozen associates evacuated to provide care for the residents.

“The team across all of Buckner Retirement Services continues to stand firm against the many challenges we have faced this year,” said Charlie Wilson, senior vice president of Buckner Retirement Services. “In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now evacuating Calder Woods in Beaumont to three of our sister campuses, where they will be protected and cared for by our associates. These dedicated associates are true heroes, resilient in their dedication to serving seniors.”

In addition to the impact of Laura on Buckner’s work in Texas, staff affiliated with Buckner Dominicana in the Dominican Republic report they are assessing the storm’s damage on the island, where 12 people were reported killed.

Dexton Shores, senior executive director who oversees Buckner’s international ministries, said most of the storm damage hit the island opposite of where Buckner has operations.

This is not the first time Baptist Children and Family Services and Buckner Retirement Services staff and clients have been forced to evacuate the Beaumont campuses, Reyes said. Previous evacuations occurred in 2008 due to Hurricane Ike and 2005 due to Hurricane Rita. Buckner Children and Family Services also evacuated in 2017 due to Hurricane Harvey.

“At the beginning of the year, we were making plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our work in Southeast Texas, but 2020 had other plans,” Reyes said. “In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic and now the hurricane evacuation are symbolic of the flexibility and resilience of our amazing teams and how they continue to care for vulnerable children, families and seniors regardless of the extenuating circumstances.”

Compiled from reports by Texas Baptist Men and Buckner International.  

Brownsville church feeds families during pandemic

BROWNSVILLE—Working with multiple partners, a small-membership Hispanic church in Brownsville is providing food to hundreds of vulnerable families and individuals each week during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drive-through food distribution events at Igleisa Bautista Horeb not only serve Brownsville residents, but also families from other Cameron County communities. (Photo courtesy of Iglesia Bautista Horeb)

Like most churches, Iglesia Bautista Horeb in Brownsville suspended in-person Sunday worship services for a few weeks, shifting temporarily to online-only worship. But the church never stopped meeting needs.

“We started the food distribution within our own church, to care for our senior adults,” Pastor Olber Roblero said. “When we saw the need here, we opened it up to the community.”

When Iglesia Bautista Horeb resumed in-person worship on Sundays, it began offering two services—one specifically for senior adults and others in high-risk categories for COVID-19 and one geared toward younger worshippers.

“We continue with online worship on Wednesday and face-to-face worship on Sunday. And throughout the week, we’re feeding the community,” Roblero said.

Drive-through distribution kept growing

Iglesia Bautista Horeb launched a weekly drive-through food distribution on the church property. Donations from a local business enabled the church to give away 50 bags of food the first week in May.

Volunteers deliver 100 food boxes each week to the doorsteps of homebound senior adults and low-income mobile home community residents, including some who have tested positive for COVID-19. (Photo courtesy of Iglesia Bautista Horeb)

By mid-May, that number had grown to 300 food boxes. In recent weeks, the church—which averages 60 in attendance—has distributed 500 food boxes at the drive-in event.

Volunteers also deliver another 100 food boxes each week to the doorsteps of homebound senior adults and low-income mobile home community residents, including some who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Iglesia Bautista Horeb received a $1,000 Community Transformation Initiative grant from the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission and Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas.

The church also developed ongoing partnerships with the Brownsville Wellness Coalition, Urban Strategies, World Vision and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farmer to Families food box program that make the weekly food distribution possible.

“We are so blessed,” Roblero said.

Ministering to body and spirit

The church’s ministry extends beyond its immediate community. The drive-in food distribution not only serves Brownsville residents, but also people throughout Cameron County, including Harlingen and San Benito.

Volunteers not only provide food, but also offer to pray with area residents during food distribution events at Iglesia Bautista Horeb in Brownsville. (Photo courtesy of Iglesia Bautista Horeb)

The church posts announcements about the food distribution on its Facebook page and encourages others to spread the news by word of mouth.

“When we say we will be open at 9 in the morning, by 6 o’clock people already are in line,” Roblero said.

Recipients are encouraged to stay in their vehicles and allow mask-wearing volunteers to load the groceries for them in their trunks or back seats. Volunteers also are available to pray with anyone who requests prayer.

“Some ask for prayer because people are losing their jobs,” Roblero said, noting others mention health concerns and other issues.

“If they don’t want to roll down their windows to talk, that’s OK. We show them the love of Christ through our actions.”

‘This is essential work’

Volunteers follow appropriate health and safety protocols—maintaining social distance, wearing masks and using hand sanitizer frequently.

Volunteers work during food distribution day at Iglesia Bautista Horeb in Brownsville. (Photo courtesy of Iglesia Bautista Horeb)

Even so, Roblero recognizes any contact can be risky, particularly in a hot spot like the Rio Grande Valley. The four counties in the Rio Grande Valley have reported 43,000 cases of COVID-19, and the number of confirmed deaths due to the virus topped 1,300 in mid-August.

Still, Roblero points to the example of Jesus, who offered a healing touch to lepers in spite of the risks.

“Pray for the safety of our volunteers,” he said. “This is essential work, and they are on the front lines.”

Although the church hasn’t actively recruited volunteers outside its membership, several individuals from the community have shown up to volunteer on distribution days, Roblero noted.

One community volunteer thanked the pastor at the end of a drive-in food distribution for the opportunity to serve, indicating he would be back to help again.

“I was surprised when he didn’t show up for a couple of weeks after that,” Roblero recalled.

Then during a weekly drive-in distribution, a woman rolled down her car window and called out to the pastor, asking him to come speak to her. She told him her husband had volunteered earlier, and it meant a lot to him. He had died the week before of COVID-19.

“This is life and death we’re dealing with,” Roblero said. “The church needs to be a light in the community at a time like this.”

Restarting school in a pandemic a serious test, panelists say

Exams for students may be several weeks away, but the time of testing for schools began much earlier, according to Houston pastor who serves on his local school board.

“In Houston, we’ve been through hurricanes, but this coronavirus is something completely different. We thought Harvey was our big test. But COVID-19 is a test like none other,” said John Ogletree, outgoing president of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District board of trustees and senior pastor of First Metropolitan Baptist Church.

Ogletree, who also is president of Pastors for Texas Children, participated with Carol Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education, in an Aug. 11 virtual panel discussion on “Restarting School During a Pandemic,” sponsored by Good Faith Media. Cameron Vickrey, associate director of Pastors for Texas Children, moderated the discussion.

“There is no one-size-fits-all” answer to the question of when to resume school and how it should be done, Ogletree said.

‘A complicated question’

Burris agreed that decisions about when schools return to in-person, in-classroom instruction defy easy answers and depend largely upon the prevalence of COVID-19 in a particular community or area.

“Of course, teachers are essential workers. The question really is: Do they do their work in person with children, which I think everyone understands is the very best possible scenario, or do they—at least for a while—do their work virtually online? It’s a very complicated question,” she said.

“We don’t want to be irresponsible. At the same time, I believe where schools can open, they should,” she said, adding those schools that open soon can become models to help other districts learn what does and does not work.

Virtual instruction cannot take the place of public school classrooms that offer instruction to children from varied backgrounds and income levels who interact with each other, she added.

Schools in areas that have extremely low rates of infection “have a moral obligation to begin to provide in-person instruction,” she said. However, she said, it would be “foolhardy” to begin classroom instruction in areas with high rates of COVID-19.

“We know that the kids who are hurt the most by virtual instruction are our youngest students,” Burris said, pointing to data that shows prolonged screen time actually can damage brain development in young children.

Since the youngest students also appear to be least at risk of COVID-19, she recommended opening kindergarten and elementary schools first, while limiting class size to allow for social distancing.

Districts face multiple challenges

In addition to considering COVID-19 infection rates, districts also must consider the challenges of putting safety protocols in place and providing necessary resources to allow sanitizing and social distancing, Ogletree said.

John Ogletree, pastor of First Metropolitan Baptist Church and outgoing president of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, responded to questions during a panel discussion on “Restarting School During a Pandemic.” (Screen Capture)

Cypress-Fairbanks ISD approved $44 million in technology enhancement to provide every student a laptop computer, he added. The district sent a survey to parents giving them the option of having their children enrolled either in classroom or virtual instruction. To date, 34 percent selected in-person classroom instruction, and 43 percent chose the virtual learning model.

“We’re still trying to get responses back from the others,” he said.

Teachers in the district will go through three weeks of staff development to prepare for the unusual learning environment, and students are scheduled to begin school on Sept. 8.

Ogletree noted the challenges virtual learning presents for non-Anglo students in low-income areas where internet access may be in short supply and parental supervision of lessons may be difficult for parents working multiple jobs.

Ask, ‘How can we help you?’

He particularly decried the politicization of the pandemic.

“We’re in a national pandemic. It is tragic that wearing a mask is political, and putting business over science, which is a false dichotomy,” he said. “Both have to be considered. There will be no business if this pandemic, if the spread of this virus, continues like it is.”

Even during the pandemic, churches can adopt local schools and encourage their teachers and administrators, Ogletree said. When students return to school on Sept. 8, First Metropolitan Baptist Church will send a gift to every teacher in the school the congregation has adopted, along with a message of hope, he noted.

“When you develop a relationship with a school, ask them, ‘How can we help you?’ Be there for them,” he said.

Speaking particularly to pastors and other faith leaders, Ogletree urged: “Now is the season to engage our public schools, our parents and our teachers. Right now, they need a touch—a touch that only you can give to calm their fears. … We can get through this pandemic, but it’s going to take all of us working together, and there is something you can do in the school that’s close to you.”

Additional panel discussions on public education are scheduled at 1 p.m. on Aug. 18 and Aug. 25 at the Good Faith Media Facebook site here.