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When I think of a village, I think of no electricity, water from the river and food from the jungle. That is exactly what I saw at this village my teammates and I visited.
08/09/2011 - By Ken Camp
Tin roofs. Clothes hanging to dry. Stray dogs and cats. Dirt roads. Buckets of water. Trash. This is what I saw in a slum in South Asia.
08/08/2011 - By John Rutledge
I shook the dust off my feet.
08/08/2011 - By Ken Camp
A man drove here to the Hospitality House in Huntsville from Dallas to pick up his brother who was being released from prison.
08/04/2011 - By Ken Camp
Sitting in an office working on files all day isn't my idea of fun, but there are times when it is necessary here at World Relief.
08/03/2011 - By Administrator
The ceiling leaked, the fans were noisy, and dogs kept barking outside. In this building, the congregation of Shiloh Baptist Church met.
08/02/2011 - By Ken Camp
A group from California who arrived here in North Wales to run a basketball camp was short-handed. So, they asked my team members and me if we wanted to help them. We eagerly accepted the invitation.
08/01/2011 - By Administrator
I have come to set the captives free. These sweet words ran through my mind and heart as I sat listening to my new friend share her life-changing story with me.
07/29/2011 - By Ken Camp
I recently enjoyed spending the morning with two sweet ladies—one from Gambia and the other from Iraq.
07/28/2011 - By Ken Camp
Recently, a team from California arrived in Wales, and we helped them lead a basketball clinic for the kids here.
07/26/2011 - By John Rutledge
Cottage 3 was the cottage to stay away from—the cottage where the children were known for atrocious behavior.
07/26/2011 - By Ken Camp
During this summer, our team has had the privilege to build a relationship with a 74-year-old Thai woman named Nikki.
07/25/2011 - By Ken Camp