I have found “work” one of the hardest words to define when speaking about ministry here in the Northwest. In the American context, most define work as space to complete a task or an hourly fulfillment. It has a beginning and an ending, and work is merely the time in-between. The work I’m part of here redefines and challenges the concept, because I am always on the clock with my students. I travel, eat, feel pain and live life with them every day.
The international students to whom I minister need a friend who can answer the awkward cultural questions, give advice about relationships and all around help them succeed while they are here. Throughout these conversations I am able to share what is most important to me—faith in Christ. I am—but not limited to being— a travel agent, counselor, friend, etiquette coach and spiritual adviser, and I love every minute of it.
An example of work in such a relational context is being able to take students to the ocean, just 1.5 hours from Eugene. These hours are void of distractions and homework, which enable deeper conversations about cultural blunders, stories of our youth and spiritual matters.
On a recent trip to the ocean, my friend and I discussed his spiritual background. Growing up in an atheistic Asian country, his exposure to Christ was only the private school he attended as a child. As we talked along the fence, I shared the gospel with him while we looked out over the vast ocean in the direction of his home country. Although he did not accept the gospel at that time, he is asking questions and discovering the immense love God has for him on the other side of the ocean from his home.
In moments like this, I am reminded of Acts 17:26-27: “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.”
My “work” here is to meet international students during their allotted period of time within the boundaries of the University of Oregon, to help them seek God. My “work” does not stop until I pass from this Earth, and I hope by that time, my friend will come to know the Lord as his Savior, as well.
P.J. Prewit, a graduate of Tarleton State University, is serving with Northwest Collegiate Ministries at the University of Oregon through Go Now Missions.
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