Meeting students where they are

I saw a whirlwind of hopeless individuals living their lives for momentary pleasure and self-gratification. Despite profanities being shouted from frat houses, the cold crisp air, electricity issues, and a few drops of rain, the Resonate body of believers labored in love over griddles and percolators for the sake of reflecting the heart of God. Our singular desire was to meet the needs of the students, literally right where these students were. 

Repeatedly the partygoers asked, “How much is it?” and “What’s the catch? There’s got to be a catch.”

I sincerely replied: “It’s free. No catch. We just want to bless you.”

Multiple people asked what organization we were with, and we answered, “We are a church called Resonate.”

One guy said, “Oh, so you’re associated with Jesus?”

A girl said, “My grandmother always tells me Jesus loves me.”

The president of the atheist club came by for pancakes. He had a bunch of scientific questions. Glory to God we have a geologist professor who is on staff at Resonate, and she was able to carry on an intelligent conversation with him for about 40 minutes.

People did not understand why we would give away free food for no reason. When people love Jesus, they love to do things the way Jesus did. The generosity and grace of Jesus towards people has always been incomprehensible.

Jane Owen is a student missionary correspondent serving with Go Now Missions in the Pacific Northwest.