Since we’ve been here in Venezuela, we’ve been on the radio several times, because the Pastor of our host church works closely with a local Christian radio station called “Luz y Vida.” But this time, we actually were going to get to speak to people on a secular radio station that hosts a small faith-based program on Sunday mornings.
The only problem with all of this was that we were given about 30 minutes notice. The four of us were looking through our Bibles and at each other, scrambling to think of something interesting to say. Colby eventually said he had an idea and that he wanted to go first. He gave an analogy about how in his life, God is his treasure, and the Bible is his treasure map, leading him where he needs to go.
That instantly reminded me of The Parables of the Hidden Treasure in Matthew 13. So, I got to spend a couple of minutes explaining how we should live our lives knowing that God is worth more than anything. When we give up things in this world, it’s not really a loss, because we gain so much more with God than we could ever gain in this world.
It all went really well, and I am so thankful to God for giving me words to say when I didn’t have any of my own.
Jon Roman, a student at the University of Texas at El Paso, is serving with Go Now Missions in El Vigia, Venezuela.
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