Is Jesus enough?

The conversation with my friend started out normally. As usual, I asked the Lord to give me an opportunity to share a word of Christian witness.


Lala started telling me about her fasting month. She talked about the command to ask forgiveness of every friend and family member at the end of the fasting month.

“Lala,” I said to her, “Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) came as a perfect sacrifice.” I talked about how his ancestors had to offer sacrifices of rams and bulls to cleanse them from their sins. She nodded, agreeing with me.

“Isa may be your prophet, but he is my Savior,” I continued. “And he came to be the ultimate and best sacrifice that will make you, me and everyone clean before God if we trust in him to cleanse us from our sins.” His blood is enough, I explained.

“So,” she said, thoughtfully, “Jesus can wash away all of my sins?”

Joy filled my heart. I knew the Holy Spirit was working in her heart and drawing her to salvation. I know the Lord is good and perfect in his salvation of all peoples.

Sarah, a student from the University of Texas, served with Go Now Missions in Southeast Asia this summer. Her last name is withheld for security reasons.

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