Humble heroes

When we finally arrived, a sweet couple greeted us and took us into their bamboo hut. We were completely surrounded in a jungle on the side of a mountain.

We learned that this couple was one out of the two Christian families in this village, where almost 500 people lived. The community consists almost entirely of Muslims, with several mosques scattered throughout.

The couple began to share with us how they came to know Jesus. They told us the community burned down their house. The religious leaders spoke hateful things about them to the village people through the call to prayer speakers. And they were held at gunpoint and threatened if they did not convert back to Islam.

I was weeping, as were my teammates. I could not believe I was sitting in front of such humble people who embodied greatness and meekness according to Jesus’ standards. I am so honored to have met these people, and I rejoice in our partnership of the good news until I see them one day in heaven.

Sarah, a student from the University of Texas, is serving with Go Now Missions in Southeast Asia this summer. Her last name is withheld for security reasons.