This year’s spring break marked my third time to be involved in Beach Reach, but little did I know how different this year would be and what it would mean for me.
Kim GarnerAs campus intern, this is the first time I have been in charge of planning and leading a full mission trip on my own—and without my director there. We had so many struggles finding drivers, getting payments together and having people drop out. It was such a stressful week, and I worried about everything.
I found myself slowly losing passion for a ministry that was so special to me. I prayed that I could prepare myself for what was about to happen at South Padre Island.
When we arrived, I saw the many different things a leader has to take care of, and I really learned to appreciate what my director does for every trip. But the first night out on the vans was awesome. I spent a few hours on the vans and had some awesome conversations. I continued on to a popular club where I had some great conversations and provided leadership for the students as they ministered.
We had some amazing times throughout the week, and I was able to help my students process the things that they were seeing and experiencing. I heard their stories and celebrated with them as we saw salvations and recommitments on our van.
There was such joy in my students as they shared great conversations and such hurt as they discussed the times they were rejected. I learned that praying specific prayers over the people we met led to amazing results. I also learned the greatest joy from this trip was seeing the passion and joy in my students. It was so rewarding to hear their stories and see how God worked through them. I saw the results of the training we had done.
Even though I ministered differently this year than before, I still had the opportunity to have great conversations and make connections with spring breakers. I feel that I learned and grew more as a leader than I ever did as a student. Beach Reach was incredible. I saw such growth and life change. It was a blessing.
Kim Garner is serving with Go Now Missions as a campus ministry intern at Howard Payne University.
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