More than 98 percent of the country is Roman Catholic, and a cross on every corner bears witness to it. As you walk down the road, you can see people going through the rosary, and a devout Catholic will cross himself every time they pass a church. There are three-wheelers with Scriptures painted on the sides, and trucks have “Jesus is love” on them. My personal favorite was the semi that had “Jehovah Jireh” (The Lord will Provide) painted on the back.
So why are we here? What is our purpose? After all, the word of God is even inscribed on the public transportation. We are here because the word of God is not inscribed on their hearts.
Superficially, the Filipinos speak of God and being saved from their sins. But if you ask them why they are going to go to heaven, their answer is not Christ alone. The majority will speak about works.
I ran into this situation on a recent Sunday as we did house-to-house ministry with a local Baptist church. After presenting the gospel and my testimony to a woman and her family right outside her house on the street, a shop owner next door gave my translator and me free soda and crackers. As we talked to him, he spoke all the right words about salvation. But the more I prodded, the more he talked about works. He believed if he died with an unconfessed sin, he would not be allowed into heaven. What a fearful life to live.
??I felt the story of the Prodigals Son was in order. The parable is a wonderful witnessing tool in a place where people believe God only loves us for our works. The pastor from the Baptist church walked up and proceeded to tell the story of the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus. We did not see a change in the shop owner’s heart, but we preached the gospel and planted seeds.
This is what the Lord would have us to do.?No matter where we go, who we speak to, or what they claim to believe, we preach one message: Christ crucified. From this conviction and commitment, the Lord opened doors for a Bible study and salvation of two souls. What started as simple questions of faith and religion has led to souls being saved for eternity. We are overjoyed to see the kingdom being built as we labor on houses.
Pray for the people of Butuan—people who know and see Scripture everywhere. May they have a true relationship with Jehovah Jireh, the God who will always provide.
Dan Black, a student at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, is serving with a Nehemiah Team in the Philippines, in association with Habitat for Humanity.
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