News had just reached Nanay Belin that her son had hanged himself. I don’t think I’ve experienced anything more sorrowful than that woman’s pain. It was terrible.
In the days that followed, Nanay Belin begged us on several occasions to pray for her dead son. Our team leader, Cecil, gently and lovingly said her son was in God’s hands already, and we just wanted to pray for her.
In the weeks since then, she continued to attend Bible studies and speak with Cecil. Then we had a little get-together in our house, and she came. Ernest asked the group if anybody to share something from God. Nanay Belin stood up, crying, and told how much God had filled her up since the death of her son.
On a recent Sunday, we had planned a baptism service for some of our neighbors who had accepted Christ. When the time came to head down to the water, the ones who already had planned to be baptized were joined by others—including Nanay Belin.
God really has been moving greatly in a short time.
Jared Jackson, a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, is serving with Go Now Missions in the Philippines.
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