Community college students serve Mission Arlington


Students representing the Baptist Student Ministries at Mountain View College in Dallas and Collin College in Plano served at Mission Arlington, adopting as their theme: “Working together to make a life better.” During their time in Arlington, the two student groups came together and showed God’s love through a variety of projects and by meeting physical needs. 

jourdan pollock mbc130Jourdan PollockOne day, student delivered bread to some mobile homes and an apartment complex near Mission Arlington. While making deliveries, the students were encouraged to ask the residents if there were any needs that they had or any prayer concerns.

Once they finished delivering bread and returned to the mission, students collected the items peoples said they needed—clothes, shoes, toys and furniture—and immediately delivered them. Students were so excited to be able to hear about needs and meet them within an hour. 

In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul describes how we all have our different functions, yet we are members of one body, and that is the body of Christ.

students dallas pollockselfie425Through their experience working with Mission Arlington, students could see how they all have different personalities, but our focus and goal is to share Christ.

Even though we are all different, we all have a purpose. And as a member of the body of Christ, we all should have the same goal of sharing the gospel with all those around us.

Jourdan Pollock, a graduate of Midwestern State University, is serving through Go Now Missions with the Baptist Student Ministry at Mountain View College in Dallas.

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