Best friends forever

“There’s no way you’re going to get to know them or connect with them on any level all,” the others said. 

After just a short time here at Texas Baptist Children’s Home, I know these girls as my friends and sisters in Christ. I have no earthly idea how I'm going to leave them when my assignment here ends. I am more than just attached to them. I love these girls and adore each and every one of their unique personalities.

Sarah, a senior in high school, is the leader of the pack in Cottage 3. So, of course, there is no way I was going to get to know her, I told myself. However through Christ’s assistance she now calls me her “bestie.” I believe she’s led a hard life, and she makes it harder on herself by wanting to leave the children’s home. God has placed it on my heart to try to convince her to finish out her time here. This is where she needs to be—with loving house parents and a strong presence of God on this campus. It is very easy to see her as a troublemaker or someone lost with no way back. God just sees her as his daughter, and I see her as a friend for life.

This was just supposed to be a summer mission trip, and I would leave in August. Now, it seems as if God has made it loud and clear that I am coming back to stay one day.  Our Lord has a way to show us his plan for our lives, and this summer was it for me. Prayers for this entire campus are much appreciated.

Samantha Trevizo, a student at the University of Texas-El Paso, is serving with Go Now Missions at Texas Baptist Children’s Home.