Rev. Dr. Michael Evans: Baptists a diverse people with a common cause

Rev. Dr. Michael Evans has been the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, Texas, for more than 25 years and is the current president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

What do Texas Baptists look like from where you are?

From my vantage point, Texas Baptists are a diverse group of Christians that represent literally hundreds of dialects and language groups. More than 40 percent of the Texas Baptist family is composed of a variety of ethnic people groups.

We represent a true microcosm of the United States. Our diversity gives our churches the best opportunity to win the world for Christ.

What Baptist principle means the most to you, and why?

The authority of scripture is one of the most important Baptist principals because the word of God is power, liberation, deliverance and the gateway to salvation.

Describe a formative experience that guides your ministry.

The Lord called me into ministry during my teen years and placed a burning desire in my spirit to serve others.

I lived in neighborhoods with people who were economically disadvantaged but we survived and even thrived because we worked together and shared our resources. This type of cooperation demonstrated the fact that common needs can be met on a daily basis when people work together.

I believe when churches pool their resources, the needs of people can be met both locally and globally.

I firmly believe the plan of God involves diverse people groups working for a common cause to save the world for Christ.