Texas Baptist Forum: Letter from a die-hard sports fan
Sports in perspective
This is a letter from a die-hard sports fan.
On Sept. 19, Baylor lost. On Sept. 20, the Texas Rangers’ season died. The next Sunday night, the Dallas Cowboys lost their first game at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington.
On Monday morning after reading my Open Windows and praying for our missionaries, I got out the new Baptist Hymnal and read the words from “The Solid Rock.”
Here are some things to remember about sports, whether your team loses or wins:
• The most important thing in life is knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
• Are you doing everything in your power and the Holy Spirit’s power to go and tell others that Jesus saves? One way to do this is to give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions.
• Ask yourself, “Will this game matter 100 years from now?”
• Whoever wins or loses this game, always remember it does not cure cancer, balance the federal budget, effect war and peace, have any bearing on whether you go to heaven or hell.
David Steging
Fort Worth
Who needs NAMB?
With all the hoopla that I have been reading lately about the Southern Baptist Convention’s concern over the North American Mission Board, I am confused about something.
I don’t understand why there is a NAMB. I thought missions and missionaries were supposed to bring the gospel to those people who have never heard it. How many living in the U.S.A. and Canada and Mexico have never heard of Jesus or his saving grace?
In Mark 16, Jesus instructs his disciples: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned.”
Isn’t it now our obligation only to see to it that everyone is given the opportunity to hear the word? Why do we have to plant churches where there are already churches? Why do churches engage in offering meals to college kids? These kids already know of Christ. Are we trying to bribe them? Or force them into believing? Once sharing the gospel, our work is done. God does the rest.
My point is: Why the effort to “save” America when people in far remote areas of this world are still waiting to hear and be saved.
Mick Tahaney
Port Arthur
Gun-toting ministers
A Detroit pastor recently got a call from his security company that a burglar alarm had gone off at his church. So he took his gun, went to the church, and shot a suspected thief in the stomach.
He could have called the police. He could have told the trespasser that stealing was wrong and offered him some counseling. Maybe he could have offered him a temporary job doing some work around the church. But instead, he shot the guy. What would Jesus do if he encountered a suspected thief?
Ministers are people just like you and me, but they are role models and should try to set good examples. How can this pastor ever preach about peacemaking, forgiveness and turning the other cheek? How can he ever quote the Golden Rule? How can he deliver a sermon about loving our neighbor and enemies?
Christian ministers shouldn’t be carrying guns and shooting people.
Chuck Mann
Greensboro, N.C.
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