Quotes in the News
“I lost my faith that November; lost it for many, many years. It was the first time that I had prayed to God for something, begged him for something—not the simple childhood wishing on a star, but humbly begging for another human life. And it was as if no one heard.”
Laura Bush
Former first lady, in an excerpt from her memoir, Spoken from the Heart, on the 1963 car accident in which she ran a stop sign and killed a fellow student (New York Times/RNS)
“I am often ashamed these days to be a Christian. It makes me sad when I open my Facebook account and see more than 1 million people praying for your father’s death. Most of them probably just think it’s a joke and haven’t stopped to think about what that really means—for you, for your mama, for the Bidens and for the American people, no matter what political affiliation they are.”
Laura Rector
Doctoral student in Christian ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary, writing in “an open letter to Sasha and Malia Obama” (EthicsDaily.com/RNS)