Letter: Voices: Is critical race theory incompatible with the gospel?


RE: Voices: Is critical race theory incompatible with the gospel?

I am so tired of hearing intellectual drivel about race. These lectures are often delivered by people who do not have a single friend from another race who has been a welcomed guest at their table.

For nearly 50 years, I have discipled Christians to reach out in acts of kindness and inclusion to other races. My children have all followed that example, and my churches have thrown open their doors to diverse racial groups, not only to attend, but to lead.

I was at a gathering sponsored by Baylor over 25 years ago. The leader of this room full of pastors decried the fact we had no Hispanic pastors in attendance and asked how we might change that.

I asked the group how many of them ever went to lunch with a Hispanic pastor or intentionally befriended pastors of other races. There was silence. I then told them I had been at breakfast that morning with two Hispanic pastors in Kingsville, Texas.

These issues won’t be resolved by high sounding lectures, books or articles. They can only be resolved by the Great Commandment of Jesus lived out in the lives of his followers.

Dan Wooldridge, pastor
Crestview Baptist Church
Georgetown, Texas

EDITOR’S NOTE: I can’t argue with your letter. While I do think discussions and learning about race, ethnicity and culture are important—and I have learned a great deal from books—my most important learning has happened at places like the dinner table.

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