Vote Trump because of Supreme Court
Concerning your recent rant against Trump and patriarchal families, I prefer values founded upon biblical teaching rather than cultural accommodation.
From the beginning, to provide for the propagation of the species, God created mankind as male and female. It’s part of the natural order. Accept it! And God ordained marriage, the union of a man and a woman, as the basis for the family.
Throughout the world and for millennia such has been the case, until last year, when in a 5-4 decision the U.S. Supreme Court decided it was time for a change, provoking Chief Justice Roberts to ask, “Who do we think we are?”
Although some in the Old Testament practiced polygamy, the Bible doesn’t sanction that behavior. Families are the basic blocks with which society and the church are built. As clearly taught in both the Old and New Testaments, God ordained the father to be the head of the family, establishing a patriarchal system. Complaints, real or imagined, should be directed to God, not those conforming to God’s order.
Christian leaders aren’t condoning Trump’s past behavior. Trump’s salacious speech, however, isn’t nearly as troubling as are the many longstanding, public accusations of rape against Hillary Clinton’s husband.
Christian leaders are supporting Trump because of the upcoming Supreme Court appointments. There are only two viable presidential candidates, and Clinton’s positions on abortion, homosexuality and gender identity go against the Bible and will almost certainly influence her appointments to the court.
Michael Leamons
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“Locker room” sermons
The “locker room” talk most Christian women hear comes straight from the pulpit, from sermons and blogs telling a wife how she is to please her husband, to be submissive to him “in all things.”
As I wrote in a letter to Dr. Ronnie Floyd, a pastor in Texas said Satan focuses his attack on wives, and another pastor near my home said the husband has authority in his home, and he then proceeded to preach on Jesus’ authority—over the men, I suppose.
Pastors find joy in preaching these kinds of sermons. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t get some kind of thrill from it. Turn on any Christian radio, and that is what you hear. Additionally, Christian women who desire equality in the church are castigated by comments under blogs.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Donald Trump’s lewd comments about women forced us to look at what is being preached?
Thank you for this editorial.
Shirley Taylor
Seek God’s wisdom
Yes, Donald Trump’s audio of him speaking terribly about women is despicable and his apology much less than what it should have been. However, I find it disturbing that the Baptist Standard continues to join the liberal media’s biased reporting of the two presidential candidates.
Why have you not written of the continuing lies almost daily coming from Hillary Clinton and her close advisors? Lies clearly confirmed from multiple reliable sources, including the recent Wikileaks.
More importantly, why is there silence regarding her firmly stated position to use taxpayer dollars to expand abortion on demand or continue and expand Obamacare, driving medical insurance costs even higher for the larger portion of Americans.
A look at the Democratic platform should show to all Christians the opposition to God’s path embraced by Clinton and her party. These are much more important matters for us to consider as we pray for this election and its impact on the future of our nation.
Christians have a difficult choice to make, a choice most of us would prefer to not have to make. May God give us his wisdom—wisdom much better than we’ll get from biased media reporting.
Johnny Brisby
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