Loud on Trump; quiet on Clinton
I’m pretty tired of the apparently liberal Baptist Standard feeling that this anything negative about Trump is worthy of news is worthy of news but how very quiet you have been concerning our president that lies continually and Hillary Clinton that feels she is above the law of the land.
Maybe you just need to report on the mission of the church and what is going on for the good of the gospel, however boring you may think that is.
Mickey Lofton
Biblical principles counter Democratic platform
I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but in your editorial asking which map does a Christian follow, I think we could agree that we both know Christians who are Democrats. I strongly agree with Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Council, “America will not be saved by an elephant or a donkey; it will be saved by a Lamb.”
However, there are clear and unambiguous biblical principles that run counter to the Democratic party platform. For example, protecting gay rights, same-sex marriage and a woman’s right to have an abortion are not subject to biblical interpretation.
No interpretation needed!
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Anson Nash
Corpus Christi
Seeking attention
Regarding Russell Moore’s Twitter comment about Donald Trump: When you’re president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s do-nothing Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, you have to say something to get some attention.
I can hardly wait for his twitters about Obama and the Clintons.
C.C. Risenhoover
No Huckabee, so Trump
When a rare diamond of political candidate appears who is a near-genius (four-year degree in two and one-half years with a 4.0 GPA), integrity, 10 years successfully governing and earning two landslide victories, cleaned up corruption, took Arkansas from debt to a surplus, where were the Southern Baptists cheering for such an ideal Christian candidate like Gov. Mike Huckabee? We heard stunning silence with a handful of exceptions!
However, when politicians do their dirt- tricks campaigning to earn the Iowa caucus, and the voters reject Huckabee, there was again stunning silence. When America narrows the candidates to two—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump—then we hear many Baptists loudly sound their dismay that Trump ends up being America’s candidate of choice!
Why the stunning silence about the long-questionable events in the career of Hillary Clinton, who tells Baptists our “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed,” including abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender bathrooms. This violates our Bill of Rights, which gives us the freedom to preach the gospel! Clinton wants to appoint maybe as many as up to 5 Supreme Court Justices to complement her agenda that will destroy our Bill of Rights !
I do not understand it.
I’m frankly more afraid of Hillary Clinton than I am of Donald Trump as president! Trump wants to rebuild the greatness of America we have lost. Trump is not as strong on the social issues as I would like, but is far stronger than Clinton! I like the sound of restoring the greatness of America and many things he advocates !
The reality is the American voters have spoken! We had the opportunity to vote for our first choice, but we were out-voted. Our ballots will contain either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump!
Richard Land said, “I’m not voting for Donald Trump! I’m voting against Hillary Clinton” when he casts his vote for President Donald Trump!
Voice it any way you like, but I like the sound of President Donald Trump far better than President Hillary Clinton! However, I’ll respect my brothers in Christ who disagree with me!
Jerry Woods
Finger, Tenn.
Equality for women
Pope Francis is thinking about starting a commission that would study whether or not women can become deacons in the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholic deacons are like ministers, but they are not priests. This is a small step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.
Every Catholic woman should have the right to become a priest, bishop, cardinal or pope. Women should have the exact same legal, political and religious rights as men.
I wonder if the Mormon Church will think about allowing women to become deacons as well.
Chuck Mann
Greensboro, N.C.
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