Letters to the Editor: Christmas wars and Bible exploration
RE: Commentary: Christmas wars, begone!
I totally agree with this commentary and I’ve felt this way for years. I think it is so interesting that some Christmas cards from the 1920s and 1930s, kept by my very Christian, Southern Baptist parents, said “Happy Holidays!” And no one thought it was a war on Christmas.
Nancy Pannell
Denton, Texas
RE: Explore the Bible: Set Free
I really appreciate this ministry and this Bible study website. Our church, Pleasant Ridge Baptist, also uses the Explore the Bible material in our Sunday School classes. Reading your commentaries help me prepare for my personal study. You have had pastors provide commentaries in the past that were above my head. Reverend Kirkland does an exceptional job at explaining the Bible in language that even I can follow and understand. He is now introducing questions into his commentary. I think that is great! The questions give the reader an active role in the discussion and gives us things to think about. Sometimes, the question may also be a reality check into our own personal relationship with God.
I applaud this ministry and the good work that it is doing for the followers of the Christian faith.
Thank you!
Peter Minter
Morganton, N.C.