Letters: Does the Baptist Standard have an angle?
RE: Editorial: Angle: Does the Baptist Standard have one?
What’s my “angle?” Could angle be compared to a political hot button? Some of the hot buttons today are abortion, LGBT rights, bigotry, contempt for the poor. Jesus didn’t seem to have a lot to say about LGBT or abortion, but he had a lot to say about other issues, especially hypocrisy.
A number of states—including Alabama and Texas—have enacted harsh laws against abortion. Alabama wants to send doctors who perform abortions to prison for up to 99 years while some in Texas are in favor of executing women who have an abortion. How can one be more “pro-life” than that?
What is driving these laws? Concern for the unborn? Actually, the lawmakers admit the motivation is political. Intended or implied, lawmakers know recent abortion bans set up a contest over Roe v. Wade.
The governor of Alabama signed onto the legislation one day and signed the OK for the execution of a mentally handicapped man the next day. A few days ago, the state performed another execution. Last week, New Hampshire became the 21ststate to abolish the death penalty as the legislators overrode the veto by the Republican governor.
Have you noticed that the states with the strictest anti-abortion laws also are the states that still have the death penalty? If one is for the death penalty and says he or she is “pro-life,” he or she is inconsistent, at best, and a hypocrite, at worst.
Carl Hess
Ozark, Ala.