Letters: Commending Stone


RE: Voices: A female seminary professor’s response to John Piper: ‘Is There a Place for Female Professors at Seminary?’

Meredith Stone, a seminary professor, answers a male pastor on the question of whether females should teach in a seminary. It’s rather difficult to believe that this issue is still being raised in a Christian environment. Stone should be commended for her polite, diplomatic, well thought out reply. She exhibited humility, knowledge of her subject, and genuine concern without creating unnecessary offense.

This week, we have seen some prominent “evangelical” preachers, including Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, on secular news programs trying to defend, excuse and rationalize President Trump’s “relationship” with and alleged payment of more than $100,000 in hush money to a porn actress. These so-called preachers, both Baptists, are bringing shame to the denomination and destroying the credibility of the Christian message. This is the kind of disgraceful behavior real Christian pastors should be concerned about and stop harassing female seminary professors who are doing the task for which they are called and apparently doing it well.

Carl Hess
Ozark, Ala.

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