RE: Jan Daehnert: ‘A networker and encourager’
I had the opportunity many years ago to be the church liaison for the intentional interim ministry begun in the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Highland Baptist Church in Dallas was the pilot church, and Jan Daehnert was the interim.
Also involved were Dick Maples; Charles Lee Williamson; Aubrey Patterson, missions director of the Dallas Baptist Association; and Gary Hearon, former executive director of the Dallas Baptist Association.
I was asked one year to speak at the BGCT annual meeting regarding the process of the intentional interim ministry in the local church. These men were the foundation in leading many churches to adopt this format of interim pastors.
Jan, being the interim at Highland, guided us in seeking who we were as a church and discovering areas that needed to be addressed before forming a pastor search committee. I will always be thankful for his leadership and encouragement during those months as we sought the leading of the Holy Spirit in receiving his shepherd to lead us in reaching people for Christ. Dallas Baptist University indeed is blessed in having Jan on their staff to give spiritual guidance and encouragement.
David Hull
Queen Creek, Ariz.
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