Letter: Editorial: Redressing sexual abuse must be thorough
RE: Editorial: Redressing sexual abuse must be thorough
“Stains” is a pretty good word, and the very soul—image of God in us—is stained. It is a “blood of Christ” stain that needs cleansing by him and his people.
The victim has to be ready to heal, and talking about what happened in an accepting environment is the beginning. Yet, this is very embarrassing and hits at the heart identity of the victim. When one is really young, recovery may feel impossible.
People who come out the other side of trauma are never the same. I think that is why we are seeing so many women with a united voice in the #MeToo movement.
Considering the depth of this sin, this breach of trust and betrayal, the church cannot pat a person on the head and then “move on.” Money will not heal this either, though it will pay a counselor or help someone move to a new place.
Survivors and counselors need to make a plan for healing and what will be needed.
Ruth Cook