Letter: BGCT messengers to consider GC2 statement of faith
RE: BGCT messengers to consider GC2 statement of faith
It was with great sadness I read about the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board’s action to approve a statement of faith for messenger consideration. The GC2 proposal is the latest effort to move the BGCT into the fold of the SBC, a splintering, withering denomination.
The GC2 statement about abortion and sexual minorities should trouble every real historical Baptist. The anti-abortion statement is not a historical Baptist stance, but rather a Catholic issue Jerry Falwell brought over to his Moral Majority to gain traction and lift for his movement.
Baptists historically have championed the priesthood of every believer, a wall of separation between church and state, and personal liberty over one’s own body and the decisions made about it.
The explanation given to seek approval of the GC2 statement is a litany of fundamentalist language and dog whistles. “Like-minded, orthodox, evangelical Christians” means folk like us, orthodox as defined by us, evangelical from our point of view.
The explanation reads: “This organic movement has created an opportunity for Texas Baptists to lead the way in offering a new vision for collaboration: the GC2 Movement.” This “organic movement” will offer instead exclusion, not collaboration.
Michael Chancellor
Round Rock, Texas