Ray: Look ahead to great opportunities in 2017


It has been a blessing this year to serve the Texas Baptist Bivocational/Small Church Association as your executive director. This past year, your Bivocational/Small Church Association has served numerous churches in meeting needs of administration; financial accounting, constitution and bylaws revisions; resumé service; pastor-search committees; background checks; sexual abuse awareness training; options for healthcare; as well as many other resources and assistance.

richard ray130Richard RayIt has been our pleasure to minister to churches that average 100 or less in worship along with their pastors and their families.

This coming year, we are working with directors of missions to host a gathering of church leaders, pastors and spouses to learn how we can continue to serve those serving on the small church mission field.

This past year, we were challenged to develop a financial accounting resource for churches and to provide a cost-effective healthcare option, not only for pastors, but for entire congregations.

Past and future

In 2016, we developed the Church Financial Accounting Assistant. It is designed to serve as the church treasurer in paying of bills and salaries, while providing tax forms and monthly financial reports. In 2016, we also partnered with Christian Healthcare Ministries in providing a low-cost healthcare option for those seeking quality healthcare without the high cost of insurance. For additional information, on these resources please contact your Bivocational/Small Church Association.

In 2017, we will travel around the state, asking those who have been called to serve on the small-church mission field how we can further serve you, so you can continue to serve the Lord without hesitation. I served as pastor more than 20 years, and I know how much time and stress is put on the pastor and servant leaders when it comes to healthcare, finances of the church, ministry resources and church administration. This time could be spent on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ within the community.

Although these things are necessary in the life of the church, they do take up valuable time that could be spent in the community spreading God’s word or spending time with the family that God has given you. We at the Bivocational/Small Church Association desire to serve as your advocate in ministry by serving you as the resource you can depend on. Let us serve you, so that you can spend more time serving the Lord.

We’ll serve together

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I look forward to 2017 and finding out how we can serve you and free up your time so you can better serve the Lord.

Remember, “Together, no church is too small.” If you are not currently receiving our e-newsletter, please forward your email to us, so we can stay connected. Please contact us if you would like for us to come to your area. I look forward to 2017 as we together seek out ways to serve you as you serve the Lord.

The Lord has called you to serve, but he has not called you to serve alone. Contact me at tririversdom@gmail.com or at (432) 202-1526 for more information, or visit our website at www.txbivo.com to learn how the Bivocational/Small Church Association can minister and serve you.

Richard Ray is executive director of theBivocational/Small Church Association and director of missions for Tri-Rivers Baptist Area.

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