BGCT Columns

  • René Maciel: Jesus is the answer to Orlando

    We can be agents of goodness and kindness; we can love and show mercy; we can care and serve others. We can bring hope and light to this dark world. We have the answer. We have Jesus, and we are called to go into the world and preach the good and hopeful news of Jesus.

  • René Maciel: Celebrate at Texas Baptists’ meeting in Waco, November 13-15

    Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the Bapitst General Convention of Texas annual meeting in Waco, Nov. 13-15.

  • Richard Ray: Pastors, love and care for your children

    Pastors have the responsibility to shepherd their church; however, they also have the responsibility to raise up their family in the Lord.

  • René Maciel: Compassionate community in the storm

    We can help the people who comprise Baylor University to get up, stand by them, and most importantly, we can pray for them through the darkness. They need us, and we need them.

  • Maciel: Don’t quit now!

    It is not a sprint. It is a journey, run with endurance. It is a race God has set before you.

  • Richard Ray: Every pastor needs an advocate

    Every pastor needs the help of another who will provide assistance in his time of need. Simply put, every pastor needs help.

  • René Maciel: Longing to find our selfies

    Maybe we take these photos because we are searching for ourselves. We want others to take notice. Can you see me? Whatever the reason, it has become a popular phenomenon in our culture, maybe even an epidemic of a search for self.

  • Maciel: Mother provides example of God’s love

    This year is moving along so fast. It seems like only yesterday that 2016 was beginning. Now it’s May! Where did those four months go? René MacielI have been extremely…

  • In Touch: Churches, Congreso, golf, floods, BaptistWay, leadership

    Kathleen and I had a great time at Blue Ridge Baptist Church near Marlin as the congregation celebrated its annual May Day. This annual singing has been going on since 1887. Thanks…

  • Ray: Don’t miss the 30th Small Church Conference

    To those serving on the small-church mission field, I invite you and your church to attend two wonderful events on the campus of Dallas Baptist University July 15-16. Richard RayOn…

  • Mount Fuji, a “fall to grace” and a miracle

    “As I prayed, I died. Those in the station covered my face and radioed down that I had passed away. However, God had another plan.”

  • DBU’s Cook reflects on 28-year “sacred trust”

    “All of us at Dallas Baptist University are so pleased to be a part of the Baptist family. Our trustees, faculty and staff are committed in the years ahead to serve our Lord faithfully alongside our Baptist brothers and sisters around the world.”