BGCT Columns
In Touch: Encouraged in Valley Mills
03/28/2014 - By John Rutledge
Recently, I was blessed to worship at First Baptist Church of Valley Mills. John Wheatley is faithfully leading that congregation, and I am encouraged by their love of the Lord and ministry.
Experience God’s ‘defining moment’ in your life
03/28/2014 - By John Rutledge
I was looking over the Texas Woman’s Missionary Union’s annual meeting celebration material the other day, and I noticed the words, “Defining Moments.”
Help available for understanding racial and cultural diversity
03/28/2014 - By John Rutledge
June 26, 1966, was one of the most significant times in my life.
Convención y Buckner Lanzan Proyecto “Casa Convención”
03/26/2014 - By John Rutledge
La Convención Bautista Hispana de Texas, en colaboración con Buckner, desarrolla un proyecto histórico edificando una casa en las colonias de Peñitas, Texas.
Working with Woman’s Missionary Union
03/22/2014 - By John Rutledge
The WMU of Texas leadership has been such an advocate for the small church and its pastors and their families.
Help people experience post-traumatic growth
03/22/2014 - By John Rutledge
Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety condition that may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events.
In Touch: Sweet spirit at Executive Board meeting
03/17/2014 - By John Rutledge
I am so grateful for our fellow Texas Baptists who willingly take time away from their homes, families and work to come and serve on our Executive Board.
Response to hunger: ‘Whatever’ it takes
03/17/2014 - By John Rutledge
Increasingly, a “whatever” attitude is souring the taste of our entire life experience.
Remember your calling
03/07/2014 - By John Rutledge
This week, I would like to share how the Bivocational/Small Church Association is striving to meet the need of affordable health care insurance for those serving in our Texas Baptist churches as pastors and staff.
Missions mobilizers can help your church ‘get it’
03/07/2014 - By John Rutledge
The BGCT can equip your laypeople as leaders of no-cost, simple congregations among unreached pockets of people in your community.
Bivocational/Small Church conference set in July
03/03/2014 - By John Rutledge
Today, I would like to share how the Bivocational/Small Church Association cares about those who serving in the small church ministry field.
In Touch: Preaching in Seminole and Garland
03/03/2014 - By John Rutledge
I had a wonderful morning Feb. 16 at South Seminole Baptist Church in Seminole. Thanks to Ricky Guenther for allowing me time in his pulpit. It was a blessing.