In Touch: Preaching, BSM, Welcome Pastor, music, [un]Apologetics, annual meeting, WMU, kids

Hello, Texas Baptists! I had a wonderful time preaching recently at Spring Creek Baptist Church in Weatherford. Pastor Jase Waller and his wife were excellent hosts. Also, thanks to Pastor Brian Hill for inviting me to preach at First Baptist Church in Corpus Christi. I also had the privilege of speaking at the annual fund-raising banquet at Texas A&M in Corpus Christi’s Baptist Student Ministry. Thanks to Eric Bean for the opportunity

david hardage 130David HardageThe Welcome Pastor Day in Houston was a big success! Houston Baptist University was so gracious to host this meeting. Our connections team, led by Joe Loughlin, coordinates these gatherings to help share the many resources available to our Texas Baptist pastors. We are here to serve you.

It’s not too late to register for the Everlasting Choir Celebration April 28-29 at Southcrest Baptist Church in Lubbock. 

texas baptist voices right120More than 500 people participated in our [un]Apologetics Conference at First Baptist Church in El Paso. If you missed out, plan to attend our annual meeting at the Waco Convention Center, Nov. 14-15. We will feature three [un]Apologetics workshops. Details coming soon.

Texas Woman’s Missionary Union held its annual meeting and missions celebration at Austin Baptist Church in Austin. It was a glowing endorsement by the Spirit of God of the cultural diversity that exists within the body of Christ.

Please prayerfully consider doubling your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions this coming September.

Our annual Bible Drill & Speakers’ Tournaments are under way. Our Great Commission team is raising up a generation of Christ followers by encouraging them to hide God’s word deep in their heart!  

David Hardage is executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.