In Touch: Fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment


Hello, Texas Baptists. For the past year or so, we have been diligent about focusing on two New Testament truths. One of those is the Great Commission of Matthew 28, and the other is the Great Commandment of Matthew 22. It is my opinion our practice of giving equal emphasis to these biblical principles is what really distinguishes us as a convention.

david hardage 130David HardageEven as I write this column Texas Baptists are faithfully fulfilling both of these within the borders of this great state.

For example, our Bounce teams (student disaster recovery led by David Scott) are working in the San Marcos and Wimberley areas, assisting those who suffered so much during last spring’s devastating floods. Bounce teams will be working all summer long as well. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to get in touch with David ( and explore how your students can get involved.

At the same time our Bounce teams are working, our wonderful BGCT Baptist Student Ministry participants are giving careful attention to carrying out the Great Commission. For three weeks in March, about 1,000 BSM student missionaries are working in Beach Reach as a part of spring break. Having personally witnessed the effort and spirit of these student missionaries, I assure you they take these opportunities very seriously.

As a convention of more than 5,400 churches and missions, we will continue to make this work our priority. And honestly, it practically is impossible to engage in one without, at the same time, finding opportunities for the other. The Great Commandment and the Great Commission intersect frequently, and Texas Baptists are actively working to make sure they do.

Thank you for your support of this work. As our new director of the Great Commission Team, Delvin Atchison, says, “We are working to be a great convention through fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission.”

God bless you all.

David Hardage is executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.

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