BGCT Columns
Pastors, honor your calling to serve the Lord
05/31/2017 - By Marv Knox
Pastors should focus on God’s call, not church size, when they change pastorates.
Youth ministry, Living Water, reaching students
04/26/2017 - By Marv Knox
A youth minister’s calling is to introduce students to the Living Water of Jesus Christ—even when they don’t want to drink.
Reeves: Wrestling with God
04/05/2017 - By Marv Knox
We all wrestle with God. The key is to realize accepting defeat ultimately is accepting victory. Clinging to God truly is the Magnificent Defeat.
A preacher’s kid describes a hospital miracle
03/22/2017 - By Marv Knox
A daughter and granddaughter of Texas Baptist pastors Richard and Bob Ray describes the spring break she spent in a hospital waiting room.
Heiligman: Let’s pray Jesus’ prayer—for unity
03/15/2017 - By Marv Knox
Unity of the local church is the chief testimony that will convince the world of the truth of Jesus’ message and mission.
Heiligman: Connect the dots from faith to relationship, action and fulfillment
03/01/2017 - By Marv Knox
If you have ever walked away from church feeling something is lacking, ask yourself, “Is my relationship with God a footnote in the story of my life, or is it the prevailing theme that holds everything else together?”
“ … go and sin no more”
03/01/2017 - By Marv Knox
Whatever Jesus did, we are to do. Time and time again, we are shown how Jesus had compassion for sinners, while making it clear he expected them to live holy lives.
Fields: Don’t be too disappointed in your disappointments
01/31/2017 - By Marv Knox
The variety of my disappointments may vary, but the God of my life who gives me purpose even in my disappointments never changes.
Reeves: Never retire from serving God
01/25/2017 - By Marv Knox
When you follow God wholeheartedly, you’ll never retire from serving him.
On fire to save lost souls
01/18/2017 - By Marv Knox
Christians need to burn with passion to lead others to salvation and rescue them from hell.
Reeves: Fast-forwarding and God’s promises
01/18/2017 - By Marv Knox
Take the promises of God and allow them to give us confidence as we fast forward into our tomorrow.
Reeves: Losing what we take for granted
01/11/2017 - By Ken Camp
Whether it comes to household maintenance, congregational life or relationships, when a person starts to take something for granted, he or she begins to lose it, according to BGCT President Danny Reeves.