Voices: Prayers against human trafficking on Galveston Island
I accidentally arrived half an hour early to church one morning. While I wondered how to fill the extra time, a small group of people invited me to join them in prayer about human trafficking. The group members explained how they met every week to intercede in prayer against modern-day slavery.
Several years later, I am still a member of this group that upholds the mission of “Asking God to end human trafficking while bringing awareness to Galveston Island.”
Reflecting on our group’s beginnings, founding-member Becca remembers how she and her friend “felt called to start a prayer group [about human trafficking]. We saw a gap in the ministry of our church and a population that needed prayer.
“Very quickly,” she continued, “we learned that another couple was interested in joining our group as God had placed that same topic on their heart. It was a sweet and early confirmation that this group had a purpose and a place at our [church].”
As the group continued to meet, the Lord was gracious to provide specific topics for us to lift up, such as praying for anti-human-trafficking resources for Galveston Island.
Prayer and perseverance
I never will forget one particular Sunday morning. In the middle of asking God to bring victim resources to our community, two visitors from the church lobby interrupted our prayer time. They shared how they planned to move to Galveston to build a restoration center for human-trafficking victims.
I was shocked with joy.
This “God wink”—this holy interruption as an answer to our prayer—is one of the ways I see God demonstrating grace toward our group. He is working all things, including our prayers, together for his glory.
I later was disappointed to hear building the victim center was cancelled. Why would God answer our prayer so directly only for it to fail?
When seeing little tangible progress, I must remind myself “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 ESV).
Prayer and dependence
Galveston is a city with evident spiritual darkness from the presence of witchcraft to signs of the sex industry. In this darkness, prayer can be discouraging.
For all my fellow “doers” and “fixers,” praying may feel disheartening, because it can feel like “doing less” than hands-on, frontline work.
As an unqualified person who wandered into a prayer group one Sunday, I have felt discouraged that “all I am doing” in prayer is making a request in the name of Jesus for God to move, for him to bring someone qualified to the frontlines. I have realized, however, feelings of helplessness in prayer are not unfounded.
Because prayer is both the acknowledgement of dependency on God and the means of communication with God, praying helps us recognize our own limitations while communing with a limitless God.
Praying is the most helpless and most helpful posture a believer can take.
Larry, a founding member of the prayer group, explains: “As we intercede, we have witnessed the power of God bringing transformation and peace to torn and restless hearts. In our weakness, we seek to align ourselves with his sovereign purpose, believing that his justice, mercy and redemption will prevail where human efforts fall short.”
Feeling helpless in prayer only becomes a problem if it leads to despair, rather than reliance on God’s sovereignty.
Prayer and God’s timing
In his plan and timing earlier this year, members of our prayer group sat in the Galveston County Courthouse to celebrate an agreement between the Texas Governor’s Office and the anti-human-trafficking organization Unbound Now. This collaborative effort intends to streamline resources to Galveston youth who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
David, a fellow church member who serves as an investigator on human-trafficking cases explains: “This is something that we all have been praying for. The group that meets on Sunday is a big part of this because of their standing firm in prayer.”
God is answering our prayers for this island community.
Joining in prayer
While continuing to pray against human trafficking, our group has been inspired to encourage other believers to form prayer groups within their own congregations.
In light of how God has answered and is answering our prayers, I encourage you to take consistent action in prayer.
While you may not feel stirred to intercede about human trafficking, is there other injustice you see but are unqualified to handle? Are there others around you who also feel called to pray about a particular topic? Is there a time you could meet consistently for prayer?
Through prayer, you have access to the God, “who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20 ESV). He is the God of limitless resources. Prayer, therefore, should not be our last resort but our first.
To join us in prayer against human trafficking, please consider these topics our prayer group has shared within our own congregation:
• Recovery and restoration of victims.
• Those at risk of being trafficked.
• Children born into trafficking.
• Confusion of traffickers.
• Law enforcement fighting trafficking.
• Wisdom for victim service providers.
• Healing and salvation for all involved.
Mary Madison Weaver is a member of Coastal Community Church on Galveston Island off the Texas coast. She is a medical student with an interest in human-trafficking education for healthcare professionals. The views expressed in this opinion article are those of the author.