Network of intentional interim ministers launched. The Baptist General Convention of Texas has launched a network of trained ministers who can help congregations when they are between pastors. Called the Intentional Interim Ministry Network of Texas Baptists, the group expands the possibilities for ministers trained as intentional interims. Certified members of the group must go through at least 80 hours of training and be evaluated after serving a congregation so leaders know they can serve churches in a variety of situations. Services provided by ministers in the network range from pulpit supply to staff supervision to a full-scale congregational re-visioning process. For more information about the network, click here or call (888) 244-9400.
Memorials Committee seeks names. Each year at the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting, a memorial service honors Texas Baptists who died during the preceding year. The BGCT Memorials Committee requests names of people who died in the last year and whose lives strengthened their churches. Submissions should be received no later than June 14. Call (214) 828-5348 or e-mail
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