DBU students lead worship conference in Canada

Dallas Baptist University students served with Larry Tardy (2nd from left), an Arlington-based worship coach from The Village Church, to conduct the Equip Worship Conference in the Vancouver area. (DBU PHOTO)


VANCOUVER, British Columbia—Students from Dallas Baptist University journeyed to Canada to lead a conference on congregational worship for about two-dozen churches of varied ethnic backgrounds in the Vancouver area.

dbu vancouver zavala adults425Aaron Zavala, worship coordinator for spiritual life at Dallas Baptist University, teaches guitar in Vancouver, Canada. (DBU PHOTO)The students worked with Larry Tardy, an Arlington-based worship coach from The Village Church, to conduct the Equip Worship Conference at Towers Baptist Church in Richmond, British Columbia.

DBU students organized and taught sessions on worship leadership and musical styles.

“The attendees were so blessed by our DBU students, as were we by their desire to grow in their understanding of music,” said Aaron Zavala, worship coordinator for spiritual life at DBU. “Many at the conference told us that their hunger and desire to grow in their worship leadership skills were sparked to life again by attending the conference.”

Soon after their arrival, the DBU team met with Ray Woodard, lead church-planting catalyst with WestCoast Baptist Association, and Jeff Phillips, pastor of The Crossings Church in Vancouver and a DBU alumnus. The students learned 47 percent of Vancouver’s population identifies as not associated with any religion.

“People here do not recognize their desperate need for Jesus in their lives,” Zavala said.

dbu vancouver zavala kids425Aaron Zavala teaches guitar to a younger set during DBU’s mission trip to Vancouver. (DBU PHOTO)Prior to the conference, the DBU students led workshops at various locations, teaching guitar, piano and voice lessons to church leaders and laity.

Equip Worship Conference leaders were surprised when more than 120 people from 23 churches attended the two-day event.

Volunteer leaders and workers for the conference included Chad and Ryan Baily from Willow Bend Baptist Church in Plano, DBU alumnus Kyle Sherman from the Church on Rush Creek in Arlington, Reggie Scott from Fielder Church in Arlington, and Jesse Reeves, one of the composers of “How Great is Our God” and former bassist for Chris Tomlin.

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“What was started at the Equip Conference is just the beginning of something the Lord wants to do in Vancouver over a long period of time,” Zavala said. “We hope to continue working with the Lord in what he desires to do in Vancouver.”

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