DALLAS—Students at Dallas Baptist University rose early Sept. 25 to join more than a million students across the nation for the annual See You at the Pole rally.
See You at the Pole began in 1990 in Burleson and soon spread nationwide as a way for Christians on high school campuses to gather at the beginning of their school year to pray for their school, their classmates and their communities. Since that time, the event has moved beyond high schools campuses to include colleges and universities.
DBU’s event—dubbed “See You at the Quad”—is held annually in the main student commons area on top of University Hill and co-sponsored by the DBU Baptist Student Ministry and the Student Government Association.
Various students led the event through worship and corporate prayer, and time was provided for students to break into small groups for specific prayers.
“It was wonderful to see our students wake up before their early morning classes to come pray,” said Josh Hemby, DBU’s BSM director. “Prayer is a key focus of spiritual life here at DBU. It is only natural for us to want to participate in this event that has been going on for more than 20 years to encourage students to integrate their prayer life with their academic pursuits.”
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