Committee seeks next Texas WMU executive director-treasurer

DALLAS—The search committee seeking the next executive director-treasurer of Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas will accept resumes and recommendations for the position through March 20.  

Sandy Wisdom-Martin left the Texas WMU post last October to become executive director of national WMU in Birmingham. Carolyn Porterfield is interim executive director-treasurer.

The call for resumes follows an extended period when the committee sought input from Texas WMU staff and constituents that included a survey completed by WMU leaders, directors of missions, Texas Baptist leaders and others.

A nominee or candidate should be a woman who has demonstrated strong and productive experience of missions advocacy, leadership and personal missions experience, according to Barbara Springer, chair of the search committee. To download the job description, click here

“We simply want God to guide us to his choice for this significant leadership role, and we know that Texas Baptists share that desire and are praying to that end,” Springer said.

The committee requests letters of recommendation with resumes be sent electronically to by March 20. The committee must receive both a letter of recommendation and a resume before a candidate will be considered.