Buckner chief elected NABF vice president

The North American Baptist Fellowship elected as vice president Albert Reyes, president and chief executive officer of Buckner International.

The fellowship is a network of 30 Baptist groups from across Canada and the United States that includes 80,000 churches with 15 million members. NABF supports the mission of the Baptist World Alliance, a global group of Baptists from more than 160,000 churches.

“The North American Baptist Fellowship is grateful that Dr. Albert Reyes has agreed to serve as one of the vice presidents of the NABF,” said Elijah Brown, general secretary-elect of the group.

“Dr. Reyes rightly reminds us that our first priority and commitment is to adhere to the Jesus agenda. His proven and effective leadership will help point the NABF to ongoing engagement with those who are most vulnerable. Dr. Reyes brings tremendous national and international leadership, and I am looking forward to working alongside him in continuing to strengthen a public witness for mission and justice.”

Reyes noted he is honored to serve NABF and “shine hope” into the lives of the most vulnerable.

“When God brings Christians together, his message of hope and love is amplified in a world that desperately needs to hear it,” Reyes said. “That’s exactly what God does through the North American Baptist Fellowship. I’m excited to serve with my brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek ways to advance the kingdom of Christ.”