Around the State
• The ninth annual Baylor University Sacred Harp Sing is slated for Feb. 6 in the Great Hall of Truett Theological Seminary. The singing will start at 9:30 a.m. After a lunch break, singing will begin again and conclude at 3 p.m. For more information, call (254) 710-2360.
• Dallas Baptist University will hold a preview of the campus Feb. 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. DBU will waive the application fee for students who apply during the preview. A similar event will be held Feb. 15. For more information, call (214) 333-5360.
• Kevin Kirk has been named assistant vice president for enrollment management at Howard Payne University.
• Gary Lamm has been named associate vice president for enrollment management at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. He previously worked in the UMHB financial aid office 12 years.
• Dallas Baptist University awarded degrees to 328 undergraduate, 205 master’s and three doctoral students during winter commencement ceremonies. Marsha Pool, DBU master teacher and professor of mathematics, received an honorary doctor of humanities degree in recognition of more than 40 years of service. She began teaching at the school in 1966.
• Jesse Fletcher’s biography Bill Wallace of China has been re-released. Originally released in 1963, the chronicle of the missionary’s life and death has sold more than 100,000 copies. Fletcher is president emeritus of Hardin-Simmons University.
• Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities has selected 14 East Texas Baptist University students for inclusion. They are Leslie Argil-Garcia, Kara Beall, Nicole Assam, Kushal Hada, Elizabeth Briner, Jennifer Shafer, Hannah Rigg, Laura Baskin, Evan Beaton, Alice Gates, Traci Hudson, Jake Keeling, Amber Peery and Phoebe Theimer.
• Paul Pierce, 56, Nov. 25 in Abilene. At the time of his death, he was pastor of Caps Church in Abilene. He previously served as pastor of Hunt Church in Hunt. He is survived by his wife of 24 years, Beverly; sons, Ethan, Aaron, Dylan and Haydn; brothers, Richard and Steven; and sisters, Dawn Thomas, Mary Kirschbaum, Karen Green and Wanda Burke.
• Mike Mahurin, 58, Dec. 14 in Wichita Falls from cancer. He was pastor of Charlie Church in Charlie 15 years until complications from a car accident forced his retirement. Later, the Internet allowed him to continue pastoral counseling. He also taught at Midwestern University. He grew up in Benbrook and was a longtime member of Birchman Church in Fort Worth. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn; sons, Daniel and Aaron; daughter, Sarah Hamman; mother, Sandra Mahur-in; brother, Gene; and sister, Dianna Way.
• Rebekah Sue Emanuel, 85, Jan. 3 in Lawton, Okla. Her husband, Bill, was pastor of Shady Grove Church in Greenville and Mayfield Church near Hillsboro while he attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the 1940s. In 1950, the couple served as Foreign Mission Board missionaries to Japan. They resigned for two years in the early 1960s to devote themselves to evangelism in the United States and then were re-appointed to the foreign mission field, this time serving in the Philippines before returning to Japan. They retired to Oklahoma in 1985. She was preceded in death by her husband in 2006. She is survived by her daughters, Elizabeth Litster, Marjorie Hatcher and ReBekah Markham; sons, Paul and Jim; 12 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
• Iglesia Getsemani in Fort Worth will hold a note-burning ceremony Jan. 24 during its 11:10 a.m. service. The church took out a 15-year note to build a 22,000-square-foot worship and education building in 2003, but a gift from charter members Leo and Sulema Jimenez allowed the loan to be repaid early. Julio Guarneri is pastor.
• First Church in Devers will hold its 13th annual chili cook-off and gospel sing Jan. 30. Featured singing groups include Crossing Jordan, Hearts of Grace and The Mitsche Family. The chili supper will begin at 5 p.m. and the concert at 6:15 p.m. Admission is free, but an offering will be taken. For more information, call (936) 549-7653. Harry McDaniel is pastor.
• Marvin Gonzalez to the ministry at Calvary Church in Bryan.
• Nathan Hale to the ministry at North Park Church in Abilene.
• Bill Adams, Adam Ivy, Ricky Ray and John Weisner as deacons at Calvary Church in Lufkin.