“Together We Will Succeed” is the theme of the 2019 Texas Baptist African American Fellowship Conference, scheduled July 8-11 at First Woodway Baptist Church in Waco.
“We are family, and we work together,” said Elmo Johnson, president of the statewide fellowship and pastor of Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
The African American Fellowship Conference offers more than 30 workshops for pastors, church staff and lay leaders. Topics include “The Triumphs of Teamwork,” “Mistakes Successful Pastors Don’t Repeat,” “Understanding Millennials and Generation Z” and “Effective Outreach Resources.”
‘Learn from each other’
“We learn from each other,” Johnson noted. “We are a diverse people. We are not offering cookie-cutter approaches. You can do ministry within your own culture.”
The four-day conference begins at 7 p.m. on July 8 with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service led by Louis Rosenthal, pastor of The McKinney First Baptist Church in McKinney.
Johnson plans to emphasize “unity and family” in his presidential address at a pastors’ luncheon on July 9. Representatives from several regional groups the statewide fellowship has launched around the state also will bring reports to the pastors.
Special events planned
Michael Evans, president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas and pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, is featured speaker at the James W. Culp Banquet at 7 p.m. on July 9. The banquet is named in memory of the long-time coordinator of black church development for Texas Baptists.
Roy Cotton, Texas Baptists’ director of African American ministries, noted more than 100 predominantly black congregations affiliated with the BGCT in the last two years, and an orientation luncheon is scheduled for representatives of newly affiliated congregations July 10.
Conference leader Michelle Fergus of DeSoto will speak at the Sisters Who Care luncheon for Women on Mission on July 10.
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Breonus M. Mitchell, senior pastor of Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, Tenn., is keynote speaker at worship services at 7 p.m. on July 10 and 11 a.m. on July 11.
Patrick Bradley, minister of worship and creative arts at Westside Baptist Church in Lewisville, will direct a mass choir Wednesday evening and lead in worship.
Dennis Young, pastor of Missouri City Baptist Church near Houston and chair of the BGCT Executive Board, will lead an observance of the Lord’s Supper at the concluding worship service.
Registration cost is $125 per individual or $1,000 for a group of 10 or more until July 1. Beginning July 2, cost per person is $165. For more information, click here.
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