About 200 baptized at cowboy church crusade

CORSICANA—More than 250 people made public professions of faith in Christ and about 200 were baptized during the Main Event Crusade at the Cowboy Church of Corsicana.

“A crusade means bringing in the lost and helping them find Jesus, and that’s what we hoped to do,” Pastor Derek Rogers said about the four-day event.

The closing night of the crusade, church members willingly gave up their seats to accommodate visitors. About 1,200 people packed the worship center, filling every seat.

Evangelist Ronnie Hill400Evangelist Ronnie Hill preached at the Main Event Crusade at the Cowboy Church of Corsicana. (Photo / Leah Reynolds)Evangelist Ronnie Hill preached about the importance of baptism, comparing it to a symbol of commitment in a marriage.

“Baptism doesn’t save you, but it’s a symbol of commitment,” he said. “Baptism is the wedding ring of the Christian life.”

That evening, more than 100 men, women and children lined up to be immersed in a horse trough inside the church—a number roughly equal to the total baptized at the three previous worship services.

“I just stand back in awe at God’s anointing and God’s moving,” Rogers said about having the opportunity to baptize the new believers. “The spiritual side of me is on Cloud Nine, while the physical side of me is worn out and exhausted. But it’s well worth it.”

In addition to seeing lives changed for eternity, Rogers also witnessed church members experience growth.

“I’ve watched our church members grow to a new level of their faith in Christ, and I’ve watched them grow in maturity,” he said. “I’ve seen a maturity level in them that’s out the roof. Their faith now is strong in knowing God can do awesome things in our church.”

Cowboy Church of Corsicana held its first worship service in 2011 with 39 members. Five years later, it has grown to about 500 worshippers every Sunday, accepting the church’s invitation to “come as you are and leave changed.”