
  • Obituary: Sue Evelyn Snider

    Sue Evelyn Snider, former missionary to Ghana, Africa, and retired IT director for the SBC’s Annuity Board—now GuideStone—died Aug. 31. She was 95.

  • Obituary: Brandon Rea Followell

    Brandon Rea Followell of San Marcos died Aug. 20 in a car accident in Buda. He was 22. Both of his parents are ministers at First Baptist Church in San Marcos.

  • Obituary: Gloria Veals

    Glorioustean “Gloria” Veals, the “first lady” of City Church in Tulia, died Aug. 18. She was 74.

  • Obituary: Faye Jennings Henthorn

    Faye Jennings Henthorn, a lifelong Tulia resident who served First Baptist Church there more than four decades as church secretary, died Aug. 13 in Lubbock. She was 91.

  • Obituary: Dean Nolan Finley

    Dean Nolan Finley, a national Southern Baptist leader in youth evangelism more than three decades, died July 27 after an extended battle with Parkinson’s. He was 71.

  • Obituary: Taylor Rankin

    Taylor Rankin, longtime faculty member at Hardin-Simmons University, died Aug. 11 in Abilene. He was 89.

  • Obituary: Shirley Ann Fannin

    Shirley Ann Fannin, former kindergarten teacher and equipper for Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas, died June 22 in Dickinson. She was 86

  • Obituary: Wilma Alice Gemmell Kidd

    Wilma Alice Gemmell Kidd, former Southern Baptist missionary to Brazil, died June 24 in Robert Lee. She was 101.

  • Russell Dilday, Baptist statesman, dead at 92

    Russell H. Dilday, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth during its greatest period of growth, died June 21. He was 92.

  • Obituary: Rodney Roy DeLoach

    Rodney Roy DeLoach, a longtime Baptist pastor and chaplain, died March 28 in Tyler. He was 100.

  • Obituary: Robert Dee Longshore

    Robert Dee “Bob” Longshore, Texas Baptist pastor and development officer, died June 10 in Mesquite. He was 100.

  • Interfaith leader, Baptist pastor Welton Gaddy dies at 81

    C. Welton Gaddy, a Baptist pastor who became an advocate for interfaith relations and progressive causes, died June 7. He was 81.