Obituaries: Golda Martin, Connie Cumming

Golda Martin, 71, May 18 in Sandia. She enjoyed fishing and making her daughters’ dresses and was the wife of Larry Martin, pastor of Cadiz Baptist Church in George West. He also served as director of missions of Coastal Bend Baptist Association from 1988 until 2003. Golda MartinShe was preceded in death by her grandson, John Michael Mayberry. She is survived by her husband; daughters, Sharon Mayberry and Patty McKenzie; sister Juandean Ashley; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Connie Cummings, 94, May 22 in Waco. She served alongside her husband, Eddie, as he was pastor to churches in Texas and Florida more than 50 years. She was a mentor to young women and a talented vocalist. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Lorena. She was preceded in death by her husband; brothers, Harvey and Billy Joe DuPriest; sisters, Lena Mastin and Jeannie Meier; and one grandson. She is survived by her sons, Pat and Don; daughter, Pam Jones; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Obituaries: Doyle Holmes, David Fortenbury

Doyle Holmes, 89, former director of missions of the Lubbock Baptist Association, May 6 in Lubbock. He was a graduate of Howard Payne University, which he attended following his service in the Army Air Force in World War II. Doyle Holmes

Holmes was a public school administrator before becoming minister of education/music at College Avenue Baptist Church in Lubbock. He then served Second Baptist Church in Corpus Christi before joining Lubbock Baptist Association until his retirement in 1984. His retirement lasted two days before boredom caused him to open a financial services office and later a wholesale jewelry company and commercial quilting studio until retiring again this year.

david fortenberry164David Fortenbury preaches on a mission trip to India in 2006.He is survived by his wife of almost 68 years, Merle; sons, Gary, Steve and Landry; six grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.

David Fortenbury, 64, May 11 in DeSoto. He was pastor of Irving Baptist Fellowship, where he had served since 1998.

He is survived by his wife, Sherryl; daughters, Amy Standifer and Alissa Reed; son, Ryan; mother, Jean Fortenbury; brothers, Mike and Jeff; and nine grandchildren.

Obituary: Darrell Tapley

Darrell Tapley, 86, died April 24 in Coleman. A graduate of Howard Payne University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, his first pastorates were in Eldorado and Early while still studying at HPU. While he attended seminary, he and his wife, Fredalene, were house parents at Buckner’s Orphan Home in Dallas, and he also was pastor of a Spanish-speaking mission in West Dallas. As his ministry continued, he led congregations in Houston, Seminole and San Antonio before moving to New Mexico, where he was pastor of churches in small communities. He also served two New Mexico associations as director of missions. He returned to Texas after retirement and became pastor of Leaday Baptist Church. He enjoyed describing his call to ministry. While he knew God was calling him, he wanted to be a farmer instead. His father set aside 40 acres of cropland for him after his high school graduation, and he planted watermelon, corn and peanuts. That growing season, those 40 acres yielded not one watermelon, not one ear of corn, nor a single peanut. He surrendered to God and enrolled at Howard Payne. He was preceded in death by his wife of almost 58 years. He is survived by his daughter, Nancy Whitworth; sons, Jim and Gary; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Obituaries: Cunningham, McGee, Solomon

Wade Cunningham, 94, April 19 in Duncanville. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Cunningham worked in the mailroom of the Baptist Standard 38 years. He was preceded in death by his wife of 47 years, Eva. He is survived by his son, Richard; daughter, Vicki Hooten; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Dan McGee, 80, April 19 in Waco. He was a Baylor University professor and emeritus Melton Endowed Chair of Religion. He joined the Baylor faculty in 1966, where he pioneered the ethics program, teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses. Dan McGeeDuring his 40-year teaching career, he also advised the doctoral and masters’ theses of many students who now serve around the world. He received both the student-selected and university-designated “best teacher” awards. In 2005, Baylor awarded him the Herbert H. Reynolds Award for Exemplary Service, which included serving as the chair of Baylor’s Faculty Senate, its representative to the Baptist World Alliance, chair of the committees that created Baylor’s Institute for Environmental Studies and the university’s program in medical humanities, on the university’s review board and as director of graduate studies in religion. In 2002, the Daniel B. McGee Lectureship in Religious Studies was established. A member of Seventh and James Baptist Church since 1966, he served as a deacon, Sunday school teacher, church moderator and chairman of the pastor-search committee. He also served as interim pastor of Edgefield Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Merolyn; son, Glenn; daughter, Caroline Jones; brother, Alden; and five grandchildren.

Emmett Solomon Jr., 78, April 22 in Huntsville. He began serving as a chaplain in the Texas Department of Corrections in 1965. In 1985, he moved to Huntsville and became the director of chaplains. After retirement, he served 20 years as founder and executive director of the Restorative Justice Ministries Network, housed in the educational building of First Baptist Church in Huntsville. He served on the board of directors of Hospitality House, a ministry to the families of incarcerated individuals. He was a Sunday school teacher and department director at First Baptist Church in Huntsville. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Garland and Henry; sister, Betty Stanford; and son, Emmett. He is survived by wife, Janet; son, John; and three grandchildren.

Obituary: Norris Cash

Norris Cash, 85, April 5 at Holly Lake Ranch. A graduate of East Texas Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Norris Cashhe served as minister of youth, music or education in Tyler, Gresham, Longview, Lindale, Sherman, Austin and Arlington.

He also was director of missions for Dogwood Trails Baptist Area and Grayson Baptist Association.

He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Peggy; daughter, Danita Saylors; sons, Randall and Bryan; and five grandchildren.


Obituary: Mark Patton

Mark Patton, 59, April 6 in Brownwood. Although struggling with cancer for several years, Patton continued to teach business courses at Howard Payne University, where he was professor of business administration.

He taught at HPU five years, capping a teaching career that took him to Australia, Michigan, Indiana and West Virginia. He also wrote a book titled Active Encouragement.

He is survived by his wife, Lois; sons, Ryan and James; brothers, Stephen and Paul; and three grandsons.



Obituaries: Jeane Law, former Texas WMU president

Jeane Law, former president of Texas Woman’s Missionary Union and board member of the Baptist Standard, died April 3 in Lubbock after an extended battle with cancer.

Jeane Law, former president of Texas Woman’s Missionary Union and board member of the Baptist Standard, died April 3. (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Photo)She and her husband, Dan, met in the fifth grade, and they began dating during the summer of 1952, while she was home from Auburn University, and he was home from the University of Alabama.

After he served in the Army, they moved to Lubbock in 1955, so he could play football and finish his education at Texas Tech University.

During those years, she taught third grade at A.C. Jackson Elementary.

Friends and family said her greatest passion was telling others about the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, which she did through the joy, laughter and kindness of her daily life and her service in WMU and the other organizations she served. They include First Baptist Church in Lubbock, Lubbock Baptist Association, Sherrick Retirement Home, Contact Lubbock and Wayland Baptist University.

She is survived by her husband of 60 years; daughter, Jan Thetford and husband, David; son, Dee; son, Sam and his wife, Julie; son, Tom and his wife, D’Linda; as well as her sisters, Annie Mae Connelly and Mary Clacker; and nine grandchildren.

Visitation will be April 6 in the parlor of First Baptist Church in Lubbock from 4 to 6 p.m. The service will be April 7 at 11 a.m. at the church.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the WMU Jeane Law Leadership Development Endowment Fund, 2320 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, Texas 78410.

Dick Hurst, 80, March 31 in Tyler. A graduate dick hurst130Dick Hurstof Baylor University and Baylor College of Medicine, he served as a medical missions volunteer more than 20 years. He traveled with the Texas Baptist Men’s Disaster Relief crew to Iran following Operation Desert Storm. This service led to many mission trips around the world—Macedonia, Brazil, Thailand, Sumatra, Iraq, Turkey, Kosovo, Russia, Poland, Northern Ireland and Mexico. After the war in Kosovo, he also helped restore a flour mill. He was a longtime deacon at First Baptist Church in Tyler and enjoyed attending Baylor sporting events. He served on the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Coordinating Council from 2000 to 2003. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Jesmarie. He is survived by his wife, Betty; sons, Rick, Dan and Allen; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Sam Beam III, 80, March 18 in Haslet. Beam was a member of the Hardin-Simmons University Cowboy Band and was the bullwhip artist for the sam beam130Sam Beam IIIhalftime shows and parades throughout Texas. He served several churches in music ministry including First Baptist churches in Eastland, Ballinger, Coleman, Gatesville and Haslet. He was preceded in death by his sister, Fairy Orr. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Carolyn; son, Bill; daughters, Betsy Woods, Tigi Steward and Tammy Malone; and six grandchildren.


Obituaries: Billy Frazier

Billy Frazier, 86, March 19 in Arlington. A graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he was the pastor of several churches before becoming a Southern Baptist missionary to Brazil. In 1981, he became director of missions for Corpus Christi Baptist Association, where he served until 1994. After retirement, he led the missions program of First Baptist Church in Corpus Christi. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Annita; daughters, Christina Alters and Teresa Hemperley; sons, Billy and Timothy; brother, Kenneth; sister, Jerrilyn Whipple; 14 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.

Obituary: Baylor prof Fred Hulme Jr.

Fred Hulme Jr., 64, Feb. 23 in Waco. A professor in Baylor University’s management information systems department, Fred Hulme Jr.he received numerous awards, including the Hankamer School of Business Teaching Excellence Award in 1997 and the Guidestone Outstanding Professor Award in 2009.

He was voted the most popular business professor by students three years. He was a member of Columbus Avenue Baptist Church in Waco.

He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Carolyn; daughter, Emily Gibson; and sister, Carolyn Monroe.

Obituaries: Campbell, Good

David Campbell, 72, Feb. 16 in Nacogdoches. He was minister of music for several Texas Baptist congregations. He was a charter member of the CenturyMen, a former director and member of both the Singing Men of David CampbellWest Texas and the Singing Men of Southeast Texas, and member of the Singing Men of East Texas at the time of his death. In 1995, he founded Mission Assist Team and served as president. He was preceded in death by his brother, John. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Ann; sons, Christopher and Coleman; daughter, Kimberly Ferland; brother, Jim; sister, Wanda Baker; and six grandchildren.

Bobby Good, 85, Feb. 22 in Sweeny. A graduate of Hardin-Simmon University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he was pastor of First Baptist Church in Kosse, where he served until he accepted the call to be pastor of First Baptist Church in Old Ocean, where he served 32 years. He was preceded in death by his wife, Joan, and son, Garry Bob. He is survived by his daughter, Candace Wall; brother, Jack; and three granddaughters.

Obituary: Mauriece Johnston

Mauriece Johnston, 96, Feb. 15 in San Antonio. A graduate of Baylor University, she served two four-year terms as president of Texas Woman’s Missionary Union, was first vice president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Mauriece Johnstonand was the first woman to serve as a director of the Baptist Standard and the Executive Board of the BGCT. She received Baylor University’s W.R. White Meritorious Service Award, George W. Truett Distinguished Church Service Award and Outstanding Home Economist Award. She received an honorary doctorate of humanities from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. She sang in the choir and taught the Koinonia Class at First Baptist Church in San Antonio 25 years. She was preceded in death by her husband of 72 years, Earl. She is survived by her son, James; two granddaughters; and four great-grandsons.

Obituary: Ed Wilson

Ed Wilson, 67, Jan. 30 in Beaumont. He served as organist and then minister of music at Lake Shore Baptist Church in Waco.

In 1991, he became associate pastor of music and administration at Calder Baptist Church in Beaumont, where he served until his death.

He is survived by his son, Matt; daughters, Amye Wilson and Erin Chrisman; foster daughter, Sherrill Magnuson; brother, Jim; sister, Pamela McAffrey; and five grandchildren.