
  • Obituaries: Winfred Moore, Robert Field, Gladys Tennyson

    Winfred Moore, 95, longtime pastor of First Baptist Church in Amarillo, died May 8 in Amarillo. Robert Field, 85, also a longtime Texas pastor, died Feb. 18 in Amarillo. Gladys Tennyson, 92, a minister’s wife for more than seven decades, died May 2 in San Angelo.

  • Obituaries: Johnston, O’Brien, Miller and Sylvester

    Obituaries in this issue include Ramona Johnston, 81, April 14 in Tyler; Bonnie O’Brien, 87, April 21 in Amarillo; Don Miller, 93, April 22 in Fort Worth; and Chester Sylvester, 97, April 23 in San Angelo.

  • Obituary: Bill Wheeless

    Bill Wheeless Sr., 95, a longtime minister of education and music in Texas and the church page coordinator for the Baptist Standard 15 years, died April 15 in Hamilton.

  • Obituaries: David Silva, Peggy Fuston, Robert Cargill

    David Silva, 70, pastor of First Baptist Church in Pettus, died March 16 in Pettus; Peggy Fuston, 80, a former BGCT employee, died April 3 in Arlington. Robert Cargill, 85, former vice president for financial resources for the SBC Radio and Television Commission, died April 4 in Fort Worth.

  • Obituary: Jon Randles

    Jon Randles, 58, former director of evangelism for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, died April 1 in Lubbock.

  • Obituaries: Max Brown, Luther Hutchinson

    Max Brown, 76, pastor and former director of the BGCT Human Welfare Coordinating Board, died March 15 in Amarillo. Luther Hutchinson, 69, a longtime Abilene pastor, died Jan. 28 in Dallas.

  • Obituary: Vernon Webb

    Vernon Webb, 64, a former member of the Texas Baptist Executive Board, died March 20 in Cibolo.

  • Obituary: Walter Evans

    Walter Evans, 81, longtime pastor of Dallas area churches, died March 10 in Rockwall.

  • Obituary: V.R. “Doc” Dooley

    V.R. “Doc” Dooley, 94, a songwriter, musician and music minister, died Feb. 28 in Grand Prairie.

  • Obituaries: Matt Dawson, Bob Freeman

    Matt Dawson, 98, son of Baptist pastor, editor and social activist J.M. Dawson and a former Baylor University Law School professor, died Feb. 17 in Waco. Bob Freeman, 76, former European Baptist Convention president, died Feb. 3 in Mandeville, La.

  • Obituary: Ruth Kinkeade

    Ruth Kinkeade, 96, widow of Henry Kinkeade, longtime pastor of First Baptist Church in Irving, died Jan. 31 in Irving.

  • Obituaries: Brent Ferren, James Carter

    Brent Ferren, 61, died Jan. 25 in Glen Rose and James Carter, 80, died Jan. 26 in Shreveport, La.