Obituaries: Davis, Ainsworth
Gene Davis, 85, May 13 in Amarillo. He was a deacon and Sunday school teacher at Trinity Baptist Church in Amarillo. Gene DavisIn 1994, he went to Tanzania to build an AIDS clinic and returned in 1998 to put a roof on a hospital. He worked with Texas Baptist Men 10 years. His projects included the conference center and recreational vehicle park at High Plains Camp Ground, Hope Welcome Center at the Amarillo prison and City Church in Amarillo. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and fought in both World War II and the Korean War. He began the building trades program at Caprock High School in Amarillo and taught there 21 years. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Jody; daughter, Cheryl Whatley; sons, Danny and Tony; seven grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.
Dion Ainsworth, 61, May 18 in Beaumont. He was director of ministry evangelism for Golden Triangle Baptist Association. Dion AinsworthA graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he spent most of his life serving the homeless, abused and neglected of Southeast Texas. For more than 30 years, he worked with at-risk youth at Opportunity Camp. He served the homeless at Calvary House Emergency Homeless Shelter and family members of inmates at Shepherd’s Inn Gaspard Center. He is survived by his wife, Jody; sons, Caleb, Jared, and Benjamin; mother, Virginia Ainsworth; and brother, Clay.