Obituaries: Bradshaw, Elliott
Kenneth Bradshaw, 83, April 26 in Corpus Christi. A graduate of Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary, he was a pastor 25 years, serving churches in Oklahoma, Maryland and Texas. In 1977, he joined the faculty of Howard Payne University and established a satellite campus in Corpus Christi. He was the founding president of what now is the South Texas School of Christian Studies, where he recruited students, taught classes, handled administrative tasks and raised funds. He continued to head the Corpus Christi campus 18 years until his retirement in 1995. He is survived by his wife, Betty; daughters, Deborah Jinkins and Sharon Bradshaw; son, Steven; 10 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.Bob Elliott, 79, May 22 in Lufkin. He was pastor at First Baptist Church, San Diego; Seven Sisters Baptist Church, Seven Sisters; Green Baptist Church, Kenedy; Elliott
Baptist Church, Hearne; Calvary Baptist Church, Victoria; Fruitvale Baptist Church, Fruitvale; First Baptist Church, Bastrop; Conway Avenue Baptist Church, Mission; Market Street Baptist Church, Houston; Fisher Drive Baptist Church, Baytown; First Baptist Church, La Porte; and interim pastor at 19 churches. He formed the Bob Elliott Evangelistic Association, and he was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Lufkin at the time of his death. He spent his later years mentoring pastors through the Unity Baptist Association Seminary Extension. The association has established a scholarship fund in his name to help bivocational pastors continue their theological training. He was preceded in death by his brother, David; sister, Irene Diltz; and grandson, Collin Thompson. He is survived by his wife, Mittie; sons, James Thompson, Robert Elliott, Galen Thompson, John Britton and Stephen Elliott; daughter, Christie Cook; brother, Bill; 13 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren